Sunday, July 29, 2012


"Get up people!"
 Morning light....

 After chores I dragged the indoor and mowed the outdoor arena.
 Then, we were off to Java and the Farm Market.

 That's my friend Sally crossing the street.
Gary went into the Lift Bridge Book Shop to pick up his Sunday paper.
 Then it was pool time and I took a blurry picture.
 Picked up Finn and Cooper on the way home as Jenny had a lunch date.
 When she picked up the boys, she delivered Gar to his duty at the Welcome Center.
Mowed the lawn and watched the Olympics from the couch...went down to pick him up at 4:15.
 There was some activity there today.

Home and had no energy.  Eventually I went out to do chores.  A beautiful evening.

 We had a big salad for dinner.  The romaine, pepper, onion and cherry tomatoes were
from our garden.

Right now I feel as stiff as a board and need a hot shower.
Night all.


  1. I'm hoping Phoebe is feeling better.

  2. You were a busy beaver today! The farm market looks fabulous. I took Brett to the airport today, he's back home tonight taking care of the critters. Other than the drive, I was able to keep my foot up most of the day.

  3. lovely meals, Hope the injured one is improving, maybe a long time to go yet. Your trees look very green and shady, ours are leafless right now. Cheers, Jean. Me too, hoping Phoebe is improving.

  4. You are amazing at what you fit into your day, Lori. Hope you're enjoying a well-earned rest right now! Thanks for your visit to my post today. Have a great week! Greetings, Jo

  5. Your days always seem so busy. Hope you got that hot shower and are feeling less stiff. Love your Willow tree it's beautiful.


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