Monday, July 2, 2012


 Too tired...and few words.
 PT at 10:30 and a knee check at 2.
 I can finally swim and drive.
 These geese were next to the parking lot.
 As soon as we got home I started getting ready for a dinner....11 people.
All kinds of activity.

 Our friend Carrie presented us with 10 gigantic chicken cordon blues which I prepared....
 along with fried green tomatoes.
 Jenny put together a beautiful salad....
 Judy brought a delish Mexican dip...
 and Sally made brownies.

 John and Gary supervised chore duty.
 Ariana, one of my cub reporters, took this series of shots.

 When Jenny and Daniela finished doing chores....
 We had one heck of a meal.

 Had some good laughs.

 Jenny, another cub reporter, grabbed a shot of the moon.

I am so tired I can hardly walk.
Night all.


  1. Great pics by cubs and others.Is your plant with the white bell flowers a Yucca Filamentosa?Hugh says it looks lovely,he watches over my shoulder sometimes, just checking on me maybe.Enjoy driving,an old saying " you do not miss the water till the well runs dry!!"Cheers from Jean

  2. hey! nice moon shot & final one also-

    Have a GREAT Week!

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >

  3. More progress! Swimming and driving -- I'm so envious!

  4. Someone was just telling me to try fried green tomatoes. I just may have to! Sounds like fun having all the's exhausting, but the laughs are worth it.

  5. Oh I am so happy your knee is coming along. Every thing looks like it is going well on the farm. Take care B

  6. Looks like a good day with friends and family. Great pictures of everyone and the farm. I would bet you slept good.

  7. That does look like an awesome dinner! I wish I would have taken photos of the recipe I tried last night for paprika chicken over couscous but I was too dang hungry to stop for photos. I love the way you always have people around and are sharing meals. What a full and wonderful life.

  8. That looks (as you said, Lori) one heck of a meal. Family, friends, and good food; who could ask for more?

  9. Congrats on getting the green light on swimming and driving!


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