Sunday, July 1, 2012


Part One
 Morning started off as usual.

After chores I picked spinach, Italian parsley and basil to take out to the Botts, as the crew was invited for lunch and fun.  Gary also gathered some rhubarb.

 The garden is doing very well.  Time to do a new planting of spinach.

 The lake shots are Part Two.

Below...evening chores.

 I mowed two and a half pastures while it was nice and cool.

Now for Part Two.

 Gary, Jen, Ariana, Daniela, Finn, Coop and I arrived at Sandy Harbor around 10:30.
 It was pretty windy and the lake was rolling.
 Perfect temperature for my first real day in the sun and the Botts could not have been better hosts.

 It did not take long for the kids to get in the water.

Even tho it was rough going, Jen took Coop, Finn and Daniela out in the kayak.  All did very well.

I was able to go for a walk along the beach before we were served an outstanding lunch.  Why did I not take pictures of the food?  Ummm.  BBQ Beef sliders, salad, veggies and dip, chips, fruit and great drinks.

Trying to balance was not easy if you were standing up.

Cupcakes and ice cream for dessert.

Then it was time for Gary and me to leave...he had Welcome Center duty and I need to go home and get ice on my knee.
Jenny and the kids stayed for almost three more hours and got in a boat ride.

We have been doing this each summer that the girls have been visiting and it has become one of the highlights of their stay.  Can't beat the hospitality.  How lucky we are to have such great, generous friends.
Thank you Carol and Topper.  You two are the bomb (best)!

Tomorrow....therapy then the Doctor.  I hope he will say I can swim and drive.
Night all.


  1. It looks like great fun. I remember picnics at Hamlin St. Park with my aunt and her family. Fun times!

  2. What a lovely day of fun in the sun! I love your header, Lori! Thanks for sharing your farm activities, too. I love visiting here! I did a post on horses on Saturday and wondered if you saw it? Have a great week. Hugs Jo

  3. A really fun day with nice folks. The food wasn't nearly as important as the friends and family all together. (The dogs would have loved jumping in the water!!)

  4. Lovely shots of a lovely family!! Hope your recuperation is progressing apace!!

  5. Your flowers re gorgeous.
    Even the name "Sandy Harbor" sounds like fun in the sun.
    Best of luck at the doctor's.

  6. Carol and Topper have the most beautiful home and beach of their own. No wonder they are always smiling... that's a good life! :) How nice that they have you up with all the kids to share their paradise.


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