Monday, June 4, 2012


And so it goes.  When I'm not doing PT or going from one end of the house to the other, my little guardians are keeping me company.  Now the lab tech who comes to draw blood twice a week is bringing them cookies.  They have been getting a lot of attention.  Today Sally and Judy came up after Tai Chi....Gary made them some pretty special coffee and served homemade bread and jam.  It was good to be with our favorite dinner pals...look forward to getting back to that.  Of course we sent them home with bags of spinach.  Out of the blue Ruth R. called and said that she was in the process of making us dinner...ham and scalloped offer we could not refuse.

I was evaluated this morning regarding how to proceed with PT.  Kate checked me out in everyway and we will decide how soon I start going to Agape.  Maybe next Monday. 

BY THE WAY!!!!!!  I am really ticked that Playlist has made it impossible for me to have music on my blog.  Does anyone understand what is going on or if there are any options?


  1. I knew there was something missing the minute I began to read your post. I always liked your taste in music, I hope you get it back. Glad to hear you are doing well. Love those dogs!

  2. Best friends right there for comfort,they know when we need extra attention, love, and all else.( the 4 legged ones) Wonderful friends too! The ones who bring meals, help out and all else as well. Cheers from Jean

  3. Nice that you got to go out and see the horses, and you've got so much good company inside. Animals are good for the soul.

  4. I was missing your music, but thought you had taken it off. I have used playlist on occasion, but not recently. Isn't it interesting how our fuzzy friends take care of us?

  5. I look forward to reading the Skoog Farm Journal every day. To be honest, even though I admire your excellent taste in music, I actually prefer the site without it.
    I'm probably the only person who doesn't like music on blogs, but there you go.

    Wishing a very speedy recovery. Can't beat that Horse Therapy.
    Jan in Illinois

  6. Tell those pups to stay off the knee! Ouch!


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