Thursday, May 10, 2012


 Bright and crisp this morning.
 Soaked Abbe's foot for a few minutes....did the sweat routine.
 Put her back out with Berlin.

 I'm leaving all the pastures open at once so Gary doesn't have to change things around everyday.
2 horses will not be able to destroy anything.
 I'm hoping to mow everything before being house bound.

 Gary and I attacked a couple gardens before we got back in the house.

 At 11:30 Bill and Woody drove up to the farm so they could ride with us over to Batavia.  Back roads all the way.  A chorus performance at the Vet's Home.
First we stopped and had lunch with about 20 other chorus members, then met the rest at 1:30.

 This sweet woman sat next to me and my drum and sang a lot of the songs.
 We added a few touches when we sang a medley from the 60s.
 How about "Born to be Wild?"  It was fun.
 Mary Ellen had many conversations during the performance.  We heard all kinds of stories that related to some of the songs we sang.  Very touching.  They really seemed to enjoy having us there.

The Barbershop group did a great job today.

 Jen called late afternoon and had been offered a couple of tickets to the Garrison Keeler show at the Aud in Rochester tonight.  Earlier, Bill had been talking to us on the way back from our performance and wondered if we wanted to gamble on going in and managing to get tickets.  Funny how things worked out.  I told Gary to take him and I stayed home and did chores...

 Tonight it may get down in the 30s.

I had made a real dinner and ate by myself.  Gary will have his much later.
That's all folks!


  1. You are a busy woman! The performance sounds wonderful!

  2. Always so many different events that you attend and such full days. So nice that you all take the time to go to the various homes and sing. You really make people's quality of life better.

  3. That last photo looks mouthwatering!!!!!!

  4. I love looking at the photos of your horses, cats, dogs, and that beautiful scenery in the background! Best wishes for a speedy recovery and Abby too!


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