Wednesday, May 9, 2012


 Here we are in dandelion heaven.  I keep waking up so early lately...can't hardly sleep until 6.
Went out to do chores a little early...nothin' special in the weather department.
  I soaked Abbe's foot in cold water and then set up another sweat.  Even gave her 1/2 gram of bute.
Sure would appreciate a breakthrough.
 Chorus rehearsal at 10 (my last for the season).  Afterward we went downstairs for a hot dog lunch.
 Nutty Buddies for dessert.  Can't tell you when I had the last one.
 Stopped at Weggies on the way home.  Still working on getting stocked up so Gary won't have to do any shopping for awhile.
 Beautiful plants for sale.
 When I got back to the farm I mowed most of the lawn.
Gary had to finish it when he got home from a chorus performance (which I missed).
Had to leave for my pre-op appointment at the hospital where I will have my surgery.
 Lots of drama in the sky.
 I was very impressed with all the testing and the three people who checked me out.  First I had the usual blood draw etc.  Then a PA came in to ask questions and examined me.  The more we talked we realized that we had known each other many years ago when she lived in Brockport.  I know some of her family members and she knows our daughters, graduated the year before Steph.  Small world.  Finally, a nurse came in and gave me the scoop on what I need to do before I get to the hospital (and what I should in shorts and t-shirts).  All were very professional and reassuring.  
Good experience.
 On the way home it was looking pretty dark.  Didn't get there until after 6.
 We had a two minute shower.
 Fed the girls....

 Not in the mood to make dinner so we went to the Bergen Family Restaurant.   Dutch.
 But check out what thecrazysheeplady made!!!!!  A gorgeous strawberry rhubarb pie.  I wish I was down in Punkin's Patch.
(Tim, I just had to show it off).
 Night all.


  1. That must be so comforting to know you are in such good hands. I will be praying for you. Awesome sky shots today : )

  2. Hello Lori. Knee replacement time drawing near now I think. As I've told you I had my left knee joint replaced about ten years ago(?). After the first few days of initial discomfort things were fine, and I've been more comfortable, and been walking better, than at any time in the preceding thirty years; and was very glad I'd had it done.
    YOU'LL BE FINE !!!!!!!!!
    You'll also be in our thoughts and prayers.
    God bless you both. Warm regards from us both, Mike and Ann.

  3. The pie tasted great! Was a little runny, but apparently that isn't a huge surprise. You probably should have explained the cage, towels and bottle sitting there looking oh so super sanitary ;-).

  4. Your sky shots are gorgeous! I so hope that Abbe will start to improve. So frustrating....I also want to wish you well on your surgery! Wish that I lived closer and could help you out. After seeing the picture of the Nutty Buddy, I now feel the need to purchase those!! Tell Gary that my garlic is doing GREAT.

  5. I'll be thinking of you on Monday. Beautiful skies and beautiful Abbe.

  6. Ok I must admit I am still thinking about the Nutty Buddy (Am I the only one?)
    Lori I wish you well through your surgery and please keep us updated. Lots of hugs and prayers to you my friend.
    Hugs B

  7. Hope Abbe improves before you go in on Monday. Glad to hear the pre-op went well and know you'll be in good hands. I'll be thinking of you on Monday and wishing you the best. Love your sky pictures, very dramatic. We've been gray and rainy off and on. Hang in there.

  8. Hi Lori! You were a topic of conversation this week when I met Louise/Gaye M. this week when she came to Virginia to visit her Aunt--She's how I found your blog.

    But I so hope that Abbe's foot improves and all goes well for you too!!

    Good thoughts coming in your direction!


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