Monday, April 23, 2012


 Look at what we woke up to.....
 I was just thrilled.....

 Didn't have the dogs go out to the barn with me as it was such a mess out there.  Snow on the ground and raining....ducky.
 Put hay under the shed roof and in the main run-in.  Even opened up the indoor.

 Went down to work out at Agapy....
then met Judy and Sally at Java for a salad.
Below is the coffee roaster there.
 The girls spent some time in the arena...
 of course they had to roll after they were nice and wet.

 I sure hope the flowers survive this mess.  The people who have orchards around here must be sweating bullets.

 Gary went with me into Unity for a 90 minute presentation on what to expect before, during and after my knee replacement.  Very informative.  Three weeks from today it will be over.
 Put Berlin and Abbe in early.  They were so wet.

This is what it looked like when I finished chores.  The outdoor arena is flooded again.

 Did not go crazy with dinner.  Pulled some sauce out of the freezer...
Couch time.
Night all.


  1. Isn't this weather the craziest?? We had snow and rain here today, but not like you and thankfully not clobbered like other people. Stay warm, and lets both hope for Spring to come back from wherever it's hiding--Probably at Wegmans! :-)

  2. I surely hope that all goes well with the knee replacement! Will you blog and tell us how it all goes?

    Just curious.
    I be that snow did make the orchard folks nervous.

    Stay well.

  3. It's been cold here but no snow thankfully!

    That dinner looks better than my bowl of cereal that's for sure!

  4. First off, love picture of the cat looking out window; so pretty! Boy!what a storm the east coast is getting, huh? Your pictures and videos are interesting; thanks for sharing. Lovely blog all in all.

  5. Oh my goodness! What a mess. I hope all of your beautiful flowers bounce back, and I hope Gary's garden is okay too.

  6. You did get snow! Ugh. Three weeks until you have a new knee! Yay! The therapy is hard but worth it.

  7. The snow, always the snow ! Where is the spring ? Here we have a storm.

  8. I knew it! I pictured you getting snow and you did! I bet you feel a little like we did when the hail hit here. Somehow Spring was a little spoiled. I hope the flowers come back alright. Ours didn't : (

  9. Oh, that is a mess. Hopefully it will be the last of it. We still have some piles melting so I hope we don't get that storm.

  10. I can't believe you had snow! We had mega rain but I'll take that over snow this time of year.

    Love your header, it's just beautiful. I had to go to the presentation of what to expect too. It will all be over soon and you'll feel better in a few weeks.

    Hope the flowers survive and the orchards too.

  11. I'd rather have the snow than the rain - and those first few pics are so pretty. Good luck w/the knee op - you will have a lot of people beaming you good vibes. xx


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