Sunday, April 22, 2012


 It was still raining when I went out to the barn this morning.
 The girls needed medium weight blankets as it was in the high 30s and fahreeezin.
Gary helped me with chores and we finished up quickly.

 I spent hours trying to come up with a flyer for my classes upcoming art show and now I can't get it on this post to show you.  What a pain!

Got a call from my friend Mary Pat and she wanted to come up and drop off a gift.
She brought this bowl (which I love).  Some time ago she gave us 2 dinner plates and another friend (Kendra) gave us a tea pot.  All matching.  So sweet and very arty.
 Now do you remember Mary Pat?  I take her picture every time we bump into each other.  Someday I will have to post them all.  Glad she's a good sport (and very photogenic).

Around 4:30 Jenny and the boys came up to plan their garden with Grampa.

 After they made a list of what they want to grow, they went outside to check out their raised bed.
 Then it was time for dinner.
 I made a salad and Jenny brought red lentil soup and some chicken for the boys.
 There are a few extra drums in the house as we are going to have the Sankofa Party here on Sunday.
They will have completed 4 performances and come up to our barn for some food and relaxation.
More about that soon.

Anyway....the boys wanted to do some drumming.

When they left, I went out to tuck in the girls.

It only took me 10 minutes.
Night all.


  1. LOVE your sweet kitty header!

    And love the young drummer

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } (°>


  2. So nice to see that the boys are doing some garden planning and great drumming!

  3. Fabulous photos of your gang! I hope you don't get any of this crazy snow that they are predicting. We're loving the rain since it's been so dry here. What are the boys going to plant in their garden this year? I wish somebody would come over to my backyard and build me some raised beds like you've got.

  4. I love the bowl. When I lived in your area I saw that style a lot. Is it local?

  5. Lucky boys - their own garden plot and drums to play and good food to eat and grandparents to love. xx

  6. So neat that the boys have their own raised beds! I used to love going out to the garden with my grandpa. Some of my best memories...27 degrees and snow here this morning. I bet it is coming down at your place too! Our poor plants...

  7. Gorgeous photo of the cat looking out at the flowering tree!! Thanks!

  8. Love the header picture! What did the boys decide they want to plant? Is it snowing at your place today -- I heard on the weather report coming in that it was snowing in western NY. We have drizzly rain here.

  9. Such sweet photos of the family. Jen and son have the same eyes.
    I have that same horse plate!

  10. Raining and 30's is freezing! That's the kind that chills you to the bone. Hope you get sunny skies soon.


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