Sunday, April 8, 2012


 I can no longer count on my Canon camera that was producing "whiteouts!"  Have to get serious about finding a new one...and in the meantime, use my Canon PowerShot SX20 IS.
 Another gorgeous morning.

 Company coming for dinner, so I had to clean the house.  It did a real number on my knee.
 Set the dining room table for 7 and picked a few posies for the center.
 Next, I cleaned and organized the back porch and patio behind the house.  Gary helped me get that area was full of pine needles and leaves.

 The ponies were hangin' in the outdoor arena.
 Jenny, Finn, Coop, Kristen, and Nana Pat arrived around 5 and we had a real feast.  Not a traditional Easter dinner by a long shot.

We started off with some crackers, cheese, roasted red peppers, Greek olives and a delicious tapanode
that Nana Pat brought.  No pictures....I was slow on the draw.
 Grilled pineapple, Chicken shish ke bobs with onions, red and green peppers along with baby bella mushrooms and lomain.

 Jenny made a beautiful salad with mixed greens, onion, oranges, banana and crumbly blue.

 Yep!  Coop was loving dinner.
 Both boys ate very well.

 After eating we did a little drumming and gave everyone at the table an instrument to play.
 Grampa even got into it.

 Kristen brought cheesecake and cupcakes and I forgot to take a picture....tomorrow....
 It started to rain just before we ate, and the temperature dropped several degrees.
 By 7, when I went out to tuck Berlin and Abbe in, the sun was trying to shine.

 Had a little photoshoot with Jenny and the boys.

 They were having fun with it.
 Then, I grabbed a few shots of Jenny and Kristen.

That's all folks.


  1. Beatiful pictures. The food looks so good :) Happy Easter!

  2. Does a chef reside at Skoog farm? The food always looks so delicious. Such wonderful photos.

  3. Here we have the same weather for Easter. I was alone and a little bit sad...

  4. Always an artistic interlude to get to see the photos of your days!

  5. Love the shot where the arms are lined up behind his head like horns :-D.

  6. HAPPY EASTER Lori and ALL your family...what a smorgasbord of delectables...that pineapple..I'm lusting many grins and full tummies! Love the last pic...Nite Folks!

  7. The grilled pineapple made my mouth water!
    Nice photo shoot.

  8. You had a beautiful Easter -- beautiful people, beautiful food, beautiful horses, beautiful flowers. That pineapple looks amazing...

  9. I like these larger-size pics. What a feast! And the people are beautiful, too. xx


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