Thursday, March 8, 2012


This is going to be short and sweet as I did a long post below.
 Morning chores with Jill and Chester.  It was still mild out and looked like rain. (Ended up going from a high of 60 down to the 20s).

 Hay under the shed roof just in case.

 Sure enough, by 9 it was pouring.

Went down to Weggies, then home for lunch.
 Don't you just love those veggie chips?  Once a month we indulge.

Not too productive this afternoon.  Put the horses in early as it was ugly out there.

 Arrived at the school a little after 6.  Concert tonight.
 We are supposed to wear black shoes....when Harold got there the sole practically fell off his shoe so they got out some duct tape and fixed him up.  Beautiful.
 We rehearsed our two songs with the choir....
 and were highly entertained by our director as she told us how not to look when we are singing.
Night all.
Check out the post below on the concert and don't forget to turn off my radio.

1 comment:

  1. The same thing happened at my sol's shoe a few years ago, but... in the street !


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