Thursday, March 8, 2012


 Tonight's concert started at 7 pm and there were 7 different ensembles performing.

First up, the Mad Vocals.  "Linus and Lucy."

 Followed by the Handsome Devils.  "Love Me and the World is Mine."

The quality of the voices....outstanding!

Next....Triple Voices. "Juego a que me quemo."

 Below is Laura M., the student teacher from SUNY Fredonia.  She conducted one of the songs we sang...."Like a Mighty Stream."
 The Swing Choir performed a song and dance routine..."Ease on Down the Road."

 The Mixed Chorus.  "Haba Na Haba."

 Greg Turner (our Greg Turner) was the accompanist during several parts of the program.

 The Choir.
I love to take portrait shots at this event.

We waited for the them to sing two songs, before we joined them on stage.
"Baba Yetu."

Last on the program was the Combined Choruses with the BHS Chamber Orchestra.
They performed "Missa Brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo" by Joseph Haydn.

You had to be there for this one.  I don't know how they do it....

This was quite an evening.  Our chorus performed well with the High Schoolers and we look forward to having them join us for our concert in May.

Credit must be given to Liz Banner, Kathy Wakeman, Laura Miller, Michelle Marvin and Greg Turner.
They know how to get the best out of these kids (who seem to really love what they are doing).


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