Tuesday, March 13, 2012


 Thought it was going to be a rainy day.

 But no!  The sun appeared and it ended up being gorgeous.
 Chester and Jill came in the house after chores and we waited for the farrier to arrive.
 He got here a little after 9:30 and all the girls behaved perfectly.
 By the time he left, the temperature was up there....I think we got up to 67.

 It was so nice, I decided to set up the studio.  It's never been so warm at this time of the year.

 Class started at 1:30 and all were happy to be out there.
 Hey Sara, Tina is working on something that might become part of your "draw a sheep challenge."

 This is the view from the studio.
 Spent the afternoon setting up the back porch and talking on the phone.

Gary had a meeting tonight so we ate dinner early.
 A new salad and leftover pasta (we're pretty good about leftovers).
 I did not even go out to do chores until 7pm.  The setting sun told me it was about time.
 All three horses had rolled....of course.

Got the mud off them and said goodnight.

Night all.


  1. We got up into the 70s today, and temperatures are supposed to almost get to 80 tomorrow with 70s for the entire rest of the week. This is at least 20 degrees above normal for us for this time of year. Mosquitos and flies and ticks have already been sighted - yikes!

  2. You were much warmer than us -- what's up with that??!

  3. Yesterday here too we had a gorgeous wheather of spring, with sun and almost 20°C !

  4. Beautiful pics! Yes this weather is definitely crazy but I love it.
    I'm in Northern Ky and they said on the news this morning that we are 25 degrees above our normal forecast.

  5. I also can't believe this weather. In the mid 60s here today!!! Great riding weather. I just love your studio.

  6. Yup - very warm here in cincy too. Yesterday and today near 80 - lots of flys and mosquito's already =(

  7. The weather is gorgeous. We're warmer than usual too.

    The studio looks great and what a lovely view.

    Of course they all rolled...if there's mud then it must be used for a spa treatment.

  8. I looked at that sunset and I thought I was looking out my side window...I took a picture not too dis-similar to this...sunsets are beautiful this month!

  9. Keeeeeeebs :-). Looks great! Bummer about your knee...


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