Wednesday, March 14, 2012


 Another one just like the other one(s).
 We must have had a frost last night, but it disappeared quickly.

 Chorus at 10.
 We were reviewing the music from first semester.
 After rehearsal I went over to Main Street to do a photoshoot.  A couple of friends are running for office and needed some pictures.
 A beautiful day to be out and about.
 Dr. Goetz was just asking to have his picture taken.

 Even tho the canal has not been refilled, a few ducks were out for a swim.

 Pam and Ann were hangin' out by the Welcome Center.
 And one of my most photographed pals (Mary Pat) was walking down State Street.

On my way to the car I shot into A Different Path Gallery to get a quick look at the current show.

Three artists.  Three very different styles.  Check it out.

Yesterday I called my orthopedic Doctor's office to make an appointment and they had one for me today!  A cancellation.  I have finally said "uncle" and am going to have my right knee replaced.  They were able to schedule me for mid May and I can't say that I'm too excited about going through this.  Gary is going to be very busy taking care of me, the horses, dogs and cats.  Hopefully Jill and Jenny will help too.  Yee gads!!!!  I can't imagine taking time off from the barn and all the other things I do.
Very determined to work hard on the physical therapy.  When it's ok, I'm heading over to Tina and Roger's 80 degree pool.  The one thing I should be capable of doing, is teaching my class.  Drumming at the college will be over for the summer....My Tai Chi class will be done.  Will have to miss the Chorus Concert, but this is something I have to do.  Does anyone out there have some hot tips for me?

When I got home, Seymour was lounging in the sun on the back porch.  Kitty heaven!
 The grass is going to start growing if this weather keeps up.
 Simple dinner.  Veggie burgers (with Gary's dill pickles), roasted potatoes and another carrot salad.
 Out to do the chores a little after 7.
 Muddy girls....muddy girls

 Tomorrow I have to practice Tai Chi so I know what to do in class Friday.
Sally and Judy might join me.

Night all.


  1. Friend Suzanne had her knee replaced, and her only regret was that she hadn't done it sooner. It was no fun, but she spent years walking like Popeye the Sailor Man, and now she's 100% comfortable and back to riding. Let me know if you'd like to talk to her via email - she's very outgoing and has a nursing background, and she'd be very happy to share her experience.

  2. Brett had his left knee replaced a year and a half ago. Be diligent with the PT and you will have an awesome outcome. Its hard work but worth it. Brett needs to have his right knee replaced in the next year - we are thinking next March - May so I'm not doing all the horse chores by myself in the dead of winter (like last time).

  3. love the copper still tubing sculpture! and the kitty relaxing in the chair, and of course the horsies and sunlight and...YUM!


    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    >< } } ( ° >

  4. I'm very sorry about the knee replacement. I imagine that must be very scary. I wish you stregth. I know my MIL replaced her hip and it changed her life... she wishes she would have done it years sooner so go for it!!

    Can you tell me what kind of cucumbers Gary grows for pickling? I pickled my slicing cucumbers and they are okay. My little daughter loves them, but they could be more crunchy. I'd like to do a better job this year. Thanks.

  5. Dear Lori, I had my left knee replaced about eight years ago, and after a week or so of discomfort I found it have been very worthwhile. As it will be your right knee and my left one, if ever you and I do meet up we should be able to run a very effective three legged race.
    Warm regards to you both from us both, Mike and Ann.


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