Friday, March 23, 2012


 Today I have gotten many comments from people who are going to miss Jill, Belle and Chester.
 Who can resist this boy?
 Hopefully they will come back for visits.
 It was pretty chilly with no spectacular sunrise.

 After chores I did some pasture picking.
 Belle is going to have beautiful pastures where she will be moving in a week.
 At 9:30, our friend Gordon arrived to rototil the outdoor and indoor rings.
 There was standing water on the outdoor ring for most of our very wet winter and it was a mess.
Much improved in less than 20 minutes.  Then he worked on the indoor.
 The two unusually warm weeks we have been having produced blossoms everywhere.

 If there is a heavy frost, there could be some serious trouble.
 Gary planted a couple of rows of peas.
 Belle's new owners and Jill stopped over around noon.
 I ran a couple of errands before Tai Chi.
 The trees surrounding Wegmans are just about ready to pop.  When that happens, it is very impressive.
Had to stop there on my way home.  Made a batch of spaghetti tonight.
 A salad made with spinach, onion, tomato, roasted red peppers, Greek olives and feta cheese.

 Roger and Tina brought up some pasta they had just picked up at the local Organic Store.  The owner of Flour City Pasta was there doing a demo.  We had a spinach garlic fettuccine.
 It was amazing!  Such flavor!!!!
 Judy brought delicious breads...
and pansys for the garden.

 We enjoyed one fine meal.
 It ended with chocolate cream pie, provided by Sally.

 At 7:30 she and I went out to do chores.
 Got the girls tucked in in short order.
Another great evening with friends.
I'm cold and need to get under the covers.  
Night all.


  1. What a wonderful looking meal made even better sharing with friends,

    We have been too warm too early. The cool has arrived and I am colder than I felt when it was only forty degrees.

  2. I keep forgetting to tell you how much I love the header picture you have up now. The colors and the softness are just wonderful. I hope you got warm!

  3. Damp and cloudy here today--The leaves on our forsythia are starting to appear. I'm hopeful we don't get a late or another frost too.

    Your day seems like another full and enjoyable one ending on my favorite note, under the warm covers!

    Enjoy your Saturday!

  4. You have such beautiful riding facilities, but I don't see riding posts. It may be because I miss them?
    Anyway, you place looks amazing as always. And that food - OMG!

  5. What a nice day : ) Love the tractor photos and the results!

  6. The arenas look grand.
    I hope Jill and Chester stop by too.


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