Monday, February 27, 2012


It's time for me to catch up on my welcomes!  I truly appreciate people who find my Journal and give me the opportunity to connect.

To find these three blogs, click on the three thumbprints on the top left of my followers.

"Island Rambles Blog" - off the coast of British Columbia with incredible photography.
"Coyote"- from Rochester, NY who directs you to FB.
"Family Best" - Family, farm, fun and everything else under the sun (Georgia).


  1. Thanks for the welcome! I look forward to reading more from your blog, thanks for having me as one of your friends!

  2. I wandered her from Just A Thought and love your header photo, snatch joy as Moanerplicities says. And The Piano Guys...O so love cello and had never heard of them...thanks!


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