Monday, February 27, 2012


Our friend Ann made this for us last Saturday night and it is one of the best soups I have ever eaten.
(Especially for Annette and Jill)

Place 4 tablespoons of Kerry Gold unsalted butter in a large pot and saute 1 small onion and two sliced leeks (white part only).  Do not let them brown.
If you use regular salted butter, taste it before you add salt later.

2 parsnips peeled and sliced
2 medium carrots peeled and sliced
2 medium potatoes peeled and cubed
4 cups of vegetable stock

Let them cook for 25-30 minutes covered
Add 3 tablespoons of finely cut flat leaf (Italian) parsley
salt and pepper to taste

Puree in batches and return to pot
Taste and add 2/3 cup of half and half (or milk)
Reheat and serve

(You may like the soup without the half and half or may prefer to use skim be sure and taste it before you do this).

Bon appetit!


  1. This sounds delicious. I'll send the recipe to my daughter. She loves all things Irish since she's been to Ireland a few times.

  2. Dang that looks good -- and easy too! I'm pinning this to my Pinterest board for easy access!

  3. This does sound so good and a bit different than my regular veggie soup recipe.

  4. Sounds like a good recipe to try for St Patrick's Day. Thanks!

  5. parsnips are funny! LOL

    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    >< } } ( ° >

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  7. Yummy! Thanks for sharing this. I was hoping you would after teasing us with the earlier photo.

    You make me laugh about the "if you want to add skim milk"...I was thinking, "if you want to add heavy cream!"


  8. YUM! So many veggies and flavors go into this!!! I think I'm going to add some Kerrygold butter, garlic and a splash a black pepper to the leftovers and freeze into cubes for sautéing chicken or fish in the next couple of weeks!!! THANK YOU!!!!

  9. YUM! So many veggies and flavors go into this!!! I think I'm going to add some Kerrygold butter, garlic and a splash a black pepper to the leftovers and freeze into cubes for sautéing chicken or fish in the next couple of weeks!!! THANK YOU!!!!

  10. YUM! So many veggies and flavors go into this!!! I think I'm going to add some Kerrygold butter, garlic and a splash a black pepper to the leftovers and freeze into cubes for sautéing chicken or fish in the next couple of weeks!!! THANK YOU!!!!

  11. YUM! So many veggies and flavors go into this!!! I think I'm going to add some Kerrygold butter, garlic and a splash a black pepper to the leftovers and freeze into cubes for sautéing chicken or fish in the next couple of weeks!!! THANK YOU!!!!


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