Tuesday, February 14, 2012




LOVE....All you need is love.
Hope you all had a very sweet and caring day.

Here, it was business as usual.
 Jill and Chester helped me with chores.
 I don't know what was bugging Berlin.
 There was some melting going on....
 Other than making a quick trip to Wegmans, I stuck around the farm and the fire.
 Tina and Mary were at class today.  Donna called from Florida....Judy was busy and I have no clue where Jean was.

 I don't know if it was the grey day or what....Gary and I were both interested in grabbing some "zzs" (I was on the couch, he fell asleep on his chair in the living room).

I went out to tuck the girls in....

 Another quick dinner.  Gary had ANOTHER meeting tonight.
 An ordinary salad...romaine, carrots, onion and green olives.
Pasta with our garden sauce.  You must think we are pasta freaks!
Night all.


  1. Pasta sounds good to me! Sweet Valentine pictures.

  2. Aahhh, Happee Valentine's Day
    Benny & Lily

  3. Happy Valentine's Day!
    I got to sleep in while David did the morning chores! Best present ever!

  4. Warm Aloha Valentines wishes from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  5. And what, exactly, is wrong with pasta freaks? Happy Valentines Day to you and Gary. Brett's working graveyard shift tonight. bof!

  6. Hope you had a lovely day..ours was rushed and hectic, but still good :)

  7. Love the pooch and valentine photos - and pasta always looks YUM!


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