Monday, February 13, 2012


 Chilly, quiet....going up to the mid 30s today.

 Jill and Chester were on deck.
 One fabulous sky.

 Blue violet shadows in the afternoon.

 With the light lasting longer, I am going out later and later.  
Tonight the girls went in a little before dark.

 A lazy day for me.
 Simple supper tonight.  Made a salad with mixed greens, onion, red pepper, orange and craisins.
 Took some chili out of the freezer.
A 20 minute meal.
Night all.


  1. A 20 minute delicious meal! Beautiful photos today. We have howling wind, rain, cold and a possibility of hail overnight. Just lovely...
    Yes, Kalvin was out with Flash and Jackson and doing fine. The problem he has is with Winston. For some reason, he absolutely hates Winston and charges at him through the fence. If he ever settles down, we'll try them together (we do it at mealtime too) but not until then. I don't want to risk an injury.

  2. That 20 minute meal does look good!

  3. The longer days are great! Now for longer days and warmer weather...

  4. You certainly got snow. We're still looking at dead brown grass around here. And that supper, especially the salad, looks deelish! Have a Happy Valentine's Day and do something special for you this year! Big hugs to all of you.

  5. Happy Valentine's Day! 20 min. meals are my favorite!

  6. Your 20 minute meal looks wonderful. Great pictures as always, warmer temps may help the snow melts soon. We were lucky and didn't get anything.

    As always, love the header picture. What a couple of cuties! Happy Valentine's Day. Hope there's some chocolate in your future.

  7. The white snow looks pretty - tho I am happy to have been in Florida last week and back in NC now.

  8. I was looking at the pups beards. I'm having such a hard time waiting for Sophie's to grow out. Poor thing can't see with it sticking straight up in her eyes. I've been tempted more than once to trim it short. The rest of her body seems to be growing so fast, but not her face. I like the way your pups look so I'll try to hold off.

    (I'm noticing there are now two words to prove we are not robots...I'm having trouble reading them...wonder if anyone else is?).


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