Thursday, January 12, 2012


 It rained most of the night and part of today.
 The three little piggies continued to be three little piggies.
 Jill helped with chores, and when we finished them....drove in to the Rochester Public Market.
 Before I went out the door, Lily was lounging in her favorite spot....on the heater.
 I did not take my camera into the market so there are no exciting photos of produce.
We were not in there for much more than 30 minutes.  When we got back to Jill's I was introduced to Chester, who was just adopted from Lollipop Farm last week.  He is around 10 years old and was picked up as a stray...over 20 pounds under weight.  After a rough start, he is starting to perk up and could not be sweeter.
 These two make each other very happy.
 It takes a special person to adopt a dog of this age and in this condition.  For the rest of his life, he will have a secure and loving home...just what he deserves.
 So here's what I got at the market....
 Red cabbage, green cabbage, peppers, four lemons, four cucumbers, parsnips, mixed greens, carrots for the horses (5 pounds for 2 bucks) and 5 loaves of bread.

 That's when I went into gear.  Invited Tom and Deb over for dinner and got started.
 First I put together an apple pie.
 Then, homemade sauce to go on pizza.
 Sauteed onions and peppers for toppings....
 Made a quick batch of cucumbers with onion and dill in a brine.
 Added mushrooms to the mix.

Then it was time to do evening chores.  I had already set the table and spread the dough out so it could rise.  After spending a dreary day outside, the girls were ready to come in.  Messy as usual.

 Sidney was trying to have a conversation with Berlin...who just wanted to eat her grain.
 Back inside and put the pizza together.

 Forgot to shoot the salad...oh well.
 The pie tasted just fine.
A great evening with good friends...we had not seen them in ages.
Night all.

Is it going to snow tonight or what?


  1. Your apple pie is beautiful. It looks like deep dish in the picture... yes? I love the rustic beauty of it. I need to learn to just go with it more. I obsess about perfection and, man, what a waste of brain cells. I'm drooling looking at your work of art.

  2. Lori, I follow you through your busy day with my heart pounding! Then it lurched at the sight of the divine fresh produce. You are amazing to all that in one day. However, it must be a "girl" thing: I find when I'm in the kitchen and decide to cook up/ bake a storm, I just roll on and get it all done in time. The apple pie looks SO yummy. I'm on such a strict diet, glad I could only look! Have a great weekend. Jo

  3. Forgot about the BREAD at the market. The veggies are beautiful and healthy but...that BREAD is so good!

    Have to make that pizza...yum! Such good comfort food, especially on a cold wintry evening.

  4. You just amaze me with what you can get done in ONE DAY!!!


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