Friday, January 13, 2012


 In the middle of the night it started to snow and morning the road was covered and traffic was bogged down.  Even some school closings.
 I called Jill to tell her not to drive in this weather but she arrived by 7:30. Tried feeding the girls in the run-in by their stalls but that did not work for very long.  Ended up putting the hay nets under the shed roof and they stayed out while we cleaned and set up.  It was blowing so bad they were put back in a little after 9.
 Phoebe and Gucci had a 60 second run and were happy to go back in the house.

 Quite a difference from yesterday.

 We shoveled the driveway twice...tomorrow it's going to be like an ice skating rink.
 All four cats and two dogs were inside most of the day.  We all vegged.

 The fire felt good.

 At three I let the horses back out and picked their stalls.  Got everything set up for evening chores and went back in.

 Got things ready for dinner.  Something different for vegetarian friends would be proud!
 Red lettuce, pears, dried cranberries and a little extra sharp cheddar cheese.

 Tucked the ponies in....and then it was time to eat.  Lentils and Bulgur with Caramelized Onions.  (Of course I did my version of the recipe)....we loved it.  The onions added such flavor.
 After a steaming hot shower, we drove to Brockport for an art opening at A Different Path Gallery.  Fortunately the roads were in good shape and it stopped snowing.
 This show was all about portraits.

 I've known Sarah Hart since she was a child...she went through the school system where I taught art.   Having spent several years studying in Italy, she uses a very classical approach in all of her work.  It was a pleasure to see how she has developed.

 (pardon the reflections)

 Kathy and Stuart, who own the gallery, have done an amazing job putting in a stairway that leads to their upstairs gallery and studios.

 Above is a recent self portrait....and below is Sarah in her Studio tonight.

 The downstairs gallery displayed the works of two other artists.
 Diane Elmslie....

 and Jolene Beckman.

 All three of these women have distinctive styles.  A great show!

There were many familiar faces Miles (who we have known since he was born).  You have seen pictures of him before, as he and his band have played gigs in our barn.
 If you have never been to A Different Path, I would highly recommend this show as well as paying a visit to the shop...where you can buy my favorite socks.
Night all.


  1. It looks like you got nailed by that snow! We're still waiting for rain here. We haven't had any since early December which is highly unusual. I particularly like the drawing of the girl in a hat -- the first one, with dark hair. I like the emotion of it. The video of the dogs in the snow made me smile. Silly pups.

  2. A little Satie, perfect way to end the day...

  3. Ah,now that looks more like your the cozy, tucked up inside pics!

  4. snow!
    Cozy animals!
    Great food!
    A bird-

    The Good life - or should I say:
    The SKOOG life

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  5. Love the socks do you have a link for the socks?

  6. Even though you were snowed in/under(?) you always come up trumps, Lori. Love the lentil and bulgar dish and I've taken a liking to caramelised onions. So have written down the recipe from the mag in your photo. Wow, that you know that artist since small. I loved the reflections in the paintings. Made it special. Oh and as always I love your doggies and cats. Have a great weekend, and keep warm. Blessings, Jo

  7. Nothing better than a warm fire when it's blizzardy outside! I see that didn't keep you from venturing out, though. Glorious gallery offerings, Lori. :)

  8. Lori, the HEADER with the night scene, the moon & one first star....SENSATIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Snowsnowsnow; we'd love it, you know; we'd love to shovel even three times a day....!!
    Beautiful your countryworld in the snow, Lori!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wonderful portraits in different styles and I'd truly love to visit this Gallery, sigh....!

    .......why don't you jump over in my kitchen, cara Lori & teach me your tasty recipes....? (Hubbling is my "good" excuse.....!!!hehe!)

    Have a sunny weekend & not tooo much snow to shovel!!
    Take care!

    ciao ciao elvira

  9. While your snow is just gorgeous, and looks like a postcard in the pics, I do not envy ya'll one bit! Glad your animals have such a wonderful home and are taken such good care of, and kept warm in times like this. Those silly pups, I always love seeing them. You all stay warm, and as usual, the meal looks fantastic!

  10. look at that snow! we were supposed to get a dusting but it completely missed us again...a bit disappointing since we haven't had any yet, that has actually stuck. love the way all the animals just look so cozy hanging out inside! talented that it was someone you those socks and that dinner looks scrumptious!

  11. Woud love to see this portrait show.

  12. WOW! What a change overnight! I am here in Florida at 55 degrees and have a fire going! Don't think I would last long in that...

  13. not sure what we like better, photos? art? snow? foodables!!
    Benny & Lily

  14. I can't believe the schools closed. To my knowledge our schools have only closed twice and that was in recent years due to freezing rain (and one of them was a premature closure). I read through the posts, but didn't catch what your temperatures are...maybe you could share those today. And with the wind chill? Looks mighty windy...wind in the worst IMO. The art show looks fun.... the little ones are older now, I think I should start taking them to some. Stay warm and by the fire!! :)

  15. Dear Lori,
    Such a complete, rich posting--cats, dogs, horses, snow, caramelized onions, lentils, bulgar, music, warm socks on a winter's day, and an art show of three distinct styles--all of them beckoning my wonder. Thank you.


  16. The snow photos were all great. Cold but peaceful looking out. Cute video of the pooch. I would love to see an art show (sigh)


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