Sunday, December 4, 2011


 This was an unusually warm day for the first week in December.

 The morning wind made it pretty chilly....
 Left blankets on....

 Picked the pastures and things started warming up.

 This morning Romeo was with the girls (sort of) from 8-9:30.  They ate hay together in the front paddock, then he went into the back pasture and they settled in the next one over.

 The temperature was rising by then....  Look at the blossoms that appeared.
 At 10:30 we went down to Apple Creek Farm for brunch.  Louise outdid herself.

 Even the tablecloth was special...they bought it in Poland.
 She made a cheese strata that was off the charts.  So light.  I need to learn how to make this.
 We also had a carrot salad, asparagus, sausage, and two kinds of crusty bread with homemade jam.
 As if that was not enough, there was an apple nut cake for dessert!

 When we finished eating, Gary helped Louise set up their Christmas tree.  They have a porch outside their dining room and keep it out there.  That way, they enjoy the lights inside and out.

 Before we left, we picked a bag of apples....more pie on the way.
 Now it was 60 degrees!  Can you imagine?
 When we got home, Shauna was riding Romeo.  I let them try my Stueben Sigfried and it seemed to fit pretty well.

 This horse is as sweet as they come.
 Some friends stopped by for an hour and we took them on a tour of Brockport.  They were coming from Long Island on their way to Buffalo and we had time for a short visit.
  Then, Gary went down to Brockport to participate in a float of carolers participating in a parade.
I fed the horses and got down there later.
 The picture is blurry, but as expected....Belle and Romeo are becoming an item.

 With Main Street open and looking it's beautiful Victorian self, it was time for a parade over to Sagawa Park for a tree lighting.

 Jenny, the boys and friends were there.
 I love this family and have known Shelly since she was a little girl.

 It was Paul's birthday!

 After the tree lighting there was a reception at the church next door and they served lots of pizza and drinks.
 Coop and Finn came up to the house afterward and ate again.
Before they left we did a little drumming.

Night all.


  1. That brunch looked wonderful! ...and that apple tree outdid itself :-)

  2. sure loks like you had a beautiful day....who ever cooks over there needs to come here
    Benny & Lily

  3. You were in the 60s and we barely hit 40. Who's in California and who's in New York??!
    That apple nut cake looks wonderful.

  4. I am so jealous of all those apples. I can't imagine walking out into my yard and being able to pick them. I would make so many jars of applesauce...

  5. I can't believe there are still apples to be picked! I just switched Luke from his waterproof sheet to his new winter blanket. I finally got one that fits and I think he looks very schnazzy in it. I am not even going to talk about the food. You're photos are very hard on a person who's trying to control herself through the holidays. Beautiful sky shots!

  6. A warm day? Outrageous! We are -1 degree right now. Brrr.

  7. Amazing how many apples are on that tree!! Wish I had those here. The food looks scrumptious.


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