Saturday, December 3, 2011


I feel like I was gone all day.
 The sunrise was nice enough, but it was only 28 degrees.
We had one heck of a frost.

 Jill and Jodi were here for chores this morning. 
 We let Romeo eat with the girls and then turned him lose for a few minutes.
 They all went out to the "pond" and started pawing through the light layer of ice.  What a mess.
Pretty soon they got too rambunctious so Jill grabbed Romeo and we separated them again.
 He was not too excited about that.
 Before I went to drumming I wanted to stop of at the Morgan Manning House to do a little photo 
shoot of the Candlelight Christmas sale.
 They have been holding this for years and as usual, it was jam packed with homemade items.

 All kinds of ornaments....
 gorgeous children's sweaters...
 stockings and decorations...
 blank books....
 and a large variety of other holiday items.
 From there I went to drumming.
 Khalid kept us very busy!

 Claire was there today...back from Spain.
 Clyde entertained us as usual.
Jenny stopped in to pick up my camera as she and the boys were going over to Shetler's to pick out a Christmas tree.  (After they made a visit to Tim Horton's for hot chocolate and snacks).
I picked up a couple bags of groceries at Wegmans and got home just in time to feed the ponies.
 A beautiful sunset.
Night all.


  1. nice skies!
    Claire has an amazingly soulful face.

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


    < ° ) } } > <

  2. looks so relaxing over there
    Benny & Lily

  3. I love a frosty morning...but not the winter to come.
    Great Christmas pictures.

  4. There's a new boy in town, girls...

    We are slowly warming up from 1 degree. I am hoping everybody stays warm enough.

  5. We were at 28 this morning too. Brrrrrrrr.

  6. That is quite a full day. Hope you got a little time by the fire when you got home. Funny how the horses play in the water. I learn so much from you.

  7. You sure do get some nice open light there. Dynamic skies.

  8. Aww, you're making me miss horses.

  9. Great shop with the Christmas gifts. Beautiful pictures. That "pond" has got to dry up soon or it will be an ice skating rink!

  10. Been so busy lately...good to be back into the blog world...ffffrrrost...finally eh! The horses look like they enjoyed pawing the ice. Xmas is quickly catching up on all of us and your visit to Morgan Manning House really makes you feel like the season...beautiful shots. So you have a Timmy's nearby...that could be dangerous...enjoy anyway!

  11. That little sweater is so very sweet. I have to say that a visit to Tim Horton's sounds very good.

  12. The Candlelight Christmas sale looks wonderful. I love going to this type of sale. You can always find something wonderful and creative. The children's sweater is gorgeous!


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