Monday, December 19, 2011


 A gentle morning....
 Gary and I did chores without Jill...she had an appointment.  I'm feeling much better and hope to be back in my groove pretty soon.
 It was actually much milder than I thought it would be today...mid 40s.

 Spent the afternoon on the phone with the crazysheeplady and doing the post below.
 Then I went to Brockport to get gas for my car and stopped in Country Treasures.  You would love this shop.

 After that it was Wegmans and home for the duration.

Romeo was waiting for me at the gate when I went out to do chores.  It got dark so early....
 Leftovers for dinner, and now I am outaheah....
Night all.
Check out "Punkin's Patch" and look for the TV segment.


  1. Ooh, yes, I'd like that shop . . .and I'm always impressed that the store windows you photograph are so clean!

  2. I'm glad you're feeling better and have been having some fun too!! I follow 'Punkin's Patch' and enjoy her blog very much! It really is a small world, and to meet someone you wouldn't ordinarily get the chance to and become friends with is really a lot of fun!!


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