Saturday, November 26, 2011


 A mild morning, but a grey day.
 I don't know if we got out of the 50s or not.
 Gary and his friend Neal (the best mason around) worked on our chimney this morning.  The very top needed some help.
While they finished doing that I went to drumming.  There were more people there than I expected.
Slowly but surely I am improving.  The past few weeks we have been working on more complicated rhythms.

On the way home (a block from the college) I stopped at a friend's house for a few minutes and checked out their gigantic batch of time.  Boy did it smell good.
 Enough to feed an army.  They started cooking it at 7am...2 whole chickens, the same weight in beef shanks, celery, carrots, corn, potatoes, peas and there must be some kind of tomato something or other in there.  I'll have to ask Jenny how it tasted.
 The sun was starting to set,  telling me it was time to get home and feed the ponies.  So I left before it was served.
 Belle, Berlin and Abbe were tucked in just be for it turned pitch dark.
Not a lot of picture taking today....maybe tomorrow.
Night all.


  1. That last photo is cool! Interesting amount of chowder there : )

  2. Hi Lori! Your day sounds like an enjoyable and relaxing day! I've never seen chowder cooked like that before, it looks and sounds delicious!

    Thank-you for your kind comments that you've left on my blog about Jake. They've been good to receive at a sad time.

  3. What an insane amount of chowder!1

  4. Wow! That is an amazing amount of chowder. Party time for sure or enough to freeze for the winter. I love your photos... so much beauty. Wish we had restaurants around here like that. Your Thanksgiving table was lovely. Hope you are feeling better!

  5. Never have seen such huge wonder they began the cooking so early!


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