Friday, November 25, 2011


 What a morning.  Sunny.  Mild.

 Took my time doing chores.
 Berlin's 40' stall...spoiled girl.
 The side pastures were dry enough for the horses to go out there for a change of scene.
 Sophie has taken up residence in the Kitty Hotel on the porch.

At noon Gary, Sally, Tina, Roger and I went to Steve's Loft...we were their first lunch customers.
 The place looked just as good in the light as it did at night.

 Gary tried their creamy Manhattan Clam Chowder.
 The menu was great.
 Open Faced Prime Rib sandwich....gigantic!
 BLT Wrap
 Hot Pastrami....
 After Thanksgiving none of us could handle dessert.
 Linda took good care of us.  She is a great addition to this restaurant and as Manager, has put all of her experience to use.
 I love all the warm touches that have been added here and there.
 Just as we were leaving, Sandy came out with her lunch...the Loft Salad.  It looked delicious.
Chicken, dried cherries, walnuts and more.  Beautifully presented.  I'm going to have to try it.
 Louise and Jack brought us this wreath last night.  I found the perfect place for it outside the kitchen door.
 The dogs had a 2pm grooming appointment....there were hundreds of geese at Sweeting's Farm when we passed by.
 They are very cooperative for the groomer, who always does a fine job.
 After I dropped them off, cruised over to Glen Darach Farm took check on my friend Andrea.
 By then it was 60 degrees.

Back home again....started on dinner and went out to do chores.
 The wind had finally died down....
 and the girls were happy to chow....
 Sid kept me company and went back to the house when we were finished.

Jenny, Coop, Finn and Randy joined us for leftovers!  I have had it!  and don't want to see another thing from Thanksgiving dinner.  We had pumpkin pie for dessert and gag me!  No more food.
 We ended the evening playing Sequence.  Finn has really figured this game out.
 Coop slept through everything (including dinner).
Night all.


  1. What no snow on the ground yet? I've got to find that restaurant! Wow!

  2. Steven's Loft looks beautiful, as do all your animals - and family, too, of course. xx

  3. Hmmm.... I'll have the open-faced Prime Rib... to go, please!
    I think that's the next thing the techies need to work on - finding a way for us to grab items on the screen and bring them into our own homes. Mmmm... yum!

  4. I just love that restaurant. I sure hope they are successful.

    Can you believe there is a 85* degree difference between you and I? Crazy!!


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