Wednesday, November 9, 2011


 Another one....just like the other one.

 When I got to the front paddock, look at what I saw out back (go to full screen with the video).
Fagetttaaboutit...does not show up.  It was a gigantic deer.  Oh well.
 The girls had their grain and went out to the pasture, never got to see what I saw.
 My friend Trina washed 5 winter Rambos for me yesterday and brought them up around 9 this morning so I could dry them on the fence.  Who knows when we will have these temperatures again.

 Chorus at 10.  We were stars today!  Feeling quite prepared for our gig at the college next week.

This afternoon Christine came over for a tour.  There may be a new Kyd on the block starting Saturday.  I'll keep you posted.
She went out to do chores with me.  What a gorgeous evening.

 Gar had a fire going when I got back to the house.
 No real dinner tonight.  Ham and Swiss sandwiches (and that other stuff).  It's finally gone.
I was so busy chatting I did not take very many pictures today.
Night all.

PS - That opening song on my radio is by Chuck of Rochester's own.  Love it.


  1. another blessed day . . .

    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral

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  2. You are too funny: "finally gone" We feel the same about some dinners that seem to take forever to finish up. Sometimes I really miss having a teenage boy in the house.

  3. Yay! So glad your weather is fine. Ours is too. It just makes life easier.

  4. You're lucky to have someone who will wash the horse blankets. My mission today is to find an unattended laudramat to sneak in and do it while no one is looking. Got to take advantage of this sunshine!


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