Tuesday, November 1, 2011


 We had Bermuda for over 18 years...got him when he was six months old along with three adult cats from a rescue.  He had become very frail and finally would not eat.  I knew what had to be done and the animal hospital got me in half an hour after I called.  Until this year, he always kept his distance.  A real fixture at our farm.

But how did the rest of the day go?
 We are still being spared the harsh weather some have gotten.

 The sun was outrageous and the blankets came off.

 At 8:30 Gary was picked up by some friends and they all drove down to Peak and Peak for a celebration in honor of two administrators that used to work at SUNY Brockport while he was there.
 The pups waited for me while I finished the stalls.
 Seeing that Gary was gone, I initiated his new van.  First I went to pick apples and then drove out to Andrea's to see if I could talk to her about Abbe.  She was not there...Amos and one of the minis said hello.  Dropped off some apples and got home at 12:30.

 That is when I made the decision to put Bermuda down...he was not doing well and did not need to suffer.  All of my farm friends out there....don't you just know when it is time?

Got home from the Animal Hospital a few minutes before my class started...just Donna and Tina today.

 Here are the eating apples I picked and shared.
 At 4 I met Finn and Coop at the bus....mowed the back lawn and dropped them off at "Big Mike's" around 5.

 The sun was starting to go down.
 Here are the apples for the ponies....
Left them out until 6:30.
 Of course the white horse was her usual piggy self.
 Sophie really spends a lot of time in the horse barn now...
 There was a lot of red in the sky when I walked back to the house.
 Gary had a meeting tonight ....no dinner, just a tomato sandwich.
Night all.

PS-I want to send my best wishes to Leontien at Four Leaf Clover Farm who is home recovering from some heavy duty treatment.  Feral Woman too.  They deserve tons of support and are getting it from people around the world.  Two amazing women.


  1. So sorry for your loss ,such a beauty.

  2. you make the circle of life seem lovely! sad about your 18 year friend. . .

    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  3. What a totally sweet life animals have there at the farm with you. He knew he knew he could count on you . I would have done the same. So sorry , he will.be missed.

  4. Sorry about Burmuda. Always hard to lose a member of the family. Yes, we do know when it is time. Wish it were that easy for our human family members when they are suffering.

  5. Yes, I know what you mean about knowing when it is time. 18 years is a long life for a cat. But still, you've lost more than your share of animals this year.
    I've been thinking about Leontien and Feral Woman a lot this evening. Tough times... strong women. Both with wonderful supportive husbands. Thank God for that.

  6. I am so sorry about Bermuda - what a beautiful cat. I'm glad you are there for your animals when they need you.

  7. Sorry to hear about Bermuda. Always a hard decision.

  8. How lucky for Bermuda, to have had such a great home for so long, and to have sweet relief at the end. It's hard to do, but so kind.
    I love your pony's new markings! My horses would think she is quite attractive!

  9. Bye, bye Bermuda.
    Hello sun and red apples.

  10. Sorry about Bermuda. You've had more than your share of departures this year.

  11. 18 years...Bermuda had a long and happy life with you at Skoog Farm.

    This year has seen too many of your animals say "Good Bye."

  12. It seems every other blog speaks of an life ending. It must be the time of year. Sorry for your loss. Such tough decisions. Those apples look just perfect!

  13. Sorry for the loss of your kitty.


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