Tuesday, November 8, 2011


 This mild morning worked it's way up to 70 degrees by late afternoon.
 The girls ate some hay and then went out back to get some nibbles of green.
 Lily looked like she was in charge.
 The gardens have all fallen to the freezing temperatures we had many days ago.

 It was grey until late morning....

 How about that Seymour?  He followed us into the house and was very curious about the water rushing into the washing machine.
 By class time, the sun was brilliant and we were toasteeee in the Studio.

 I love the light in this photo of Tina.
 When a UPS truck stopped to make a delivery, Phoebe and Gucci both ran to the window to see what the heck was going on.

 Sara....the drawing below would be of you know who and you know who.
 Both Tina and Judy are into pencil drawing at this time.
 Abbe, Belle and Berlin did not lift their heads all afternoon.
 Went out to do chores a little after 5:15 and it was almost dark.

 Lily was on the porch and I called for Sophie....she appeared!!!!!

 Tucked in the ponies and went in for dinner.
I added more pasta and my Minestrone soup turned into a casserole!
Gary's at a meeting and I have the rest of the evening off.  Have you noticed how much longer they seem now that it gets dark so early?
Night all.


  1. Darling photos of the pups today. I love the longer, darker evenings.

  2. Lily looks so sweet next to that red chair.

  3. 70! The dogs looking out the window are so cute!

  4. 70 degrees?! What a treat! We are hanging at 1* right now and supposed to drop tonight. Big storm on the coast of Alaska. Nome (where my husband is from) is expected to have 22.5 waves (5 feet above the sea wall) and flooding. So far I feel like winter is flying by....you haven't even gotten your winter started!!

  5. I love that shot of the dogs looking out the window. --and the one of Seymour checking out the washing machine. We have cold weather here -- and another big storm hitting Friday.

  6. Verry beaufuful pictures!
    liebe Grüße aus Österreich

  7. I love the dogs looking out of te windown, Lori. And all the other pics make me feel I'm visiting your beautiful home and farm. Wrap up warmly and keep well. Jo

  8. Can't believe how lucky we've been with this wonderful Indian Summer.

    Beautiful pictures...so much personality in all the animals.

    Funny how kitties are attracted to watching water, batting at it, but don't want to get in it!

  9. I agree, the evening stretches forever now!
    Love the dogs watching for the delivery truck :)


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