Friday, October 7, 2011


Boy!  Am I glad Jack found my camera this morning!  It was on the grass right next to the apple trees and the dew did not destroy it.  So I'll start with yesterday....
 The back forty looked like part of a movie set.
Only 33 degrees at 7:30.  Gary had to scrape the ice off his windshield.
 No cats were in the kitty hotel on the back porch.

At 10 I headed out to Glen Darach Farm to pick up Helen (visiting from Scotland).  On the way I passed Calypso taking a nap in the paddock (at my friend Jan's farm) so I pulled over to take a few photos.  She has really grown.

  Before going back to the farm we stopped at Weggies for a few items so Helen could whip up a recipe her Granny used to make.  A surprise treat for her sister.

At noon Jill came over and the four of us drove out to the Carlton Grill to have lunch with pals.

 I wanted Helen and Jill to have a chance to meet some friends of ours.
 There were 12 of us and we ate all kinds of things....from chowder....
 to BBQued prime rib
 Crab cakes (3 or 4 people had these)
 Prime bread (Miss Gluten Free ordered this)
 Beef on Wick
 Veggie Reuben
 Traditional Reuben
 Sweet and Tangy chicken wrap
 Pattie Melt
 4 people split desserts....
 Pear and Apple Crisp
 Bread pudding.
 We can't wait for Steve to move to Brockport.  It's going to happen by the end of November.
Mission accomplished.
 We had a great time and talked our brains out.

Drove home through Albion.

 Helen wanted to take a few shots of the Court House.

When we got back to the farm, she put together her currant pasty.  The dough was similar to what you would make for a pie crust (with a little sugar mixed in).  She rolled out two pieces and put a whole box of currants in the middle.
 When she got back to her sister's, drizzled on a simple powdered sugar icing.
Very English.
 I took the remaining dough, put in some homemade peach jam and made these little free form yummies.  OUT OF THIS WORLD!
After we left Skoog Farm,  hit Weggies again and Helen shopped for the rest of the week.   From there, we stopped at Apple Creek Farm to gather some apples and THAT'S WHEN I LOST MY CAMERA!  Rushed back just before sunset and could not find it...even with a borrowed flash light!  Oh no!!!!!

Now for today....
You already saw the sunrise in my Skywatch shots.
I think I finished chores in under an hour.  Easy peezie.
It was a little cool but a perfect start to the day.

 Father Foozie was absorbing the morning rays.
 Went down to Country Max to pick up some shavings.  The stalls look fab!

After lunch I drove over to Apple Creek Farm to mow the lawn and PICK UP MY CAMERA!

 Home in time to take a shower and get down to First Friday.  This one was going to be a little different.  They were introducing the new Executive Chef for BASC (at the college).  As I have said before, SUNY Brockport has the top rated food service program in the entire State College system. 

Greg T. was there setting the tone with his piano playing and vocals.
 The appetizers disappeared quickly.
 This First Friday was sponsored by Joan F. and her husband.  We have many generous people in our community and it is greatly appreciated.

 Jen is very supportive of her father's efforts to keep this tradition going.
 And here he is....Executive Chef, Richard Reynolds.
 For his cooking demonstration, he made gnocchi in a Provencale Sauce.  Enough for all of us 
(60 or 70 people).

 Jen and Lauren were front and center waiting for a taste.

Jill had chore duty tonight.  Went out to the pasture when I got home to have a chat and put some more sole packs in the grooming room.  Abbe thought it might be an opportunity for some attention.
 Just another gorgeous night.
 In for "dinner."  Leftover minestrone (made by Judy)...added a little pasta and we were good to go.
No need to have a real big meal.
Time to go sit by the fire and watch "Black Swan."
If you got through this entire post (two days worth) are some trooper.
Night all.


  1. Haha - I guess I'm a trooper. I got through the post and enjoyed it the whole way. All those lunch dishes looked good but you know I would have ordered the Reuben.
    You must be very proud of Jen -- great mom, daughter and stunning to boot.

  2. Got through it---Just got home from Geva where Bill Evans and group did an amazing show of jazz and tap---incredible---a late dinner at Gusto------perfect day and evening----Sara

  3. hooray!

    Yum- yum

    Aloha from Honolulu;

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  4. Lost cameras are never any fun. I've set mine down a time or two while doing yard work and then been in a panic.

    All the food you posted looks wonderful. Makes me hungry!!

  5. Ok NOW I'm starving..your blog is so not good for me! LOL

  6. I hate that 'lost my camera' feeling. It sends me into panic mode, too. Lucky you found it and that it didn't rain or snow!
    Mmmm...yummy food shots! I think I gained weight just looking!

  7. I'm a trooper! All that food! Wow!
    Glad you found the camera - I once washed mine with my barn jacket. Not good.

  8. I'm a trooper, too! Glad you fed me all that great food on the way. Great weather, mm, mm!

  9. After seeing all that delicious food, I remembered I haven't eaten today.

    You are one busy lady!

  10. "Super Trooper" isn't that a song....I think it is! Losing your camera...what an awful feeling...finding it...what joy!


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