Saturday, October 8, 2011


 We have had quite a string of beautiful sunrises lately.

 It was just glowing out there this morning while Jill and I were doing chores.

They started harvesting soybeans...perfect conditions.  Pretty soon they will plant the 140 acres around us in wheat.

 Jill will be happy to know that Lily came out of hiding and was in the neighbor's yard.
 The Cosmos are on their last legs, but some are still standing.  They grew to be 6 feet tall when all was said and done.
 Gary painted an old metal chair in between washing and putting up storm windows and working on the front porch.  The end of the house project is in sight.
 While I was talking to Fran (our neighbor who has a good view of the cats playing in his yard every morning) I grabbed a few shots of his Harley.  It is the cleanest vehicle I have ever seen and he uses it regularly going back and forth to work.  There is something to be said for these three wheelers.

 It's actually pretty L A R G E.
 Drumming started at 1.  Hard to go inside on such a beautiful afternoon.  Got to play my djembe and the sangba... learned a lot.  Now if I could just remember everything.  Khalid is a very patient man.

Today Sidney was kind enough to show up....have not seen him for at least 5 days.  He has been spending a lot of time with Sophie and Lily.  Poor Seymour....deserted.
 Chore time.
  Why do white horses always get so filthy?

 Tucked in my three spoiled beauties a little before 7.
 We were invited to Tina and Roger's for dinner theater.

 Tina prepared a pub plate for each of us....
Ham and Cheese sandwiches on Rye with Kosher Dills and chips.

Gary and Roger tried this special beer....Duvel.  It looked like a bottle of wine....
 until he poured it.  They said it was delish.
 We took our plates down to the home theater and watched

 A lot can be learned from this movie...about horses AND people.  Loved it.
Night all.


  1. Your sunrises are outstanding. We've had some beautiful extended Fall days. It's chilly, but there's no snow so I can get some more work done outside. I'm afraid to look at the forecast! Enjoy your warmth. We all know it won't last.

  2. Whaddaya mean, it feels like summer? It's snowing it's a** off!
    Your beasties are looking fine - all shiny!

  3. Next year I am definitely trying Cosmos again.

  4. what awesome pictures. It sure looks relaxing around there
    Benny & Lily

  5. Home theater w/dinner - ! - very cool. You have the best friends.

  6. I like that second photo. Nice shot. And, the videos are fun to watch.


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