Tuesday, October 11, 2011


 What a week!

 I don't expect it to look like this tomorrow morning.

Out to the barn....there was Lily.  She stuck by me the whole time.
 The dogs were with me, but they did not intimidate her.

 The ponies were happy to get out on the grass....
 Perfect temperature and great light...energizing.
 For some reason, Sidney has been sticking around.

After chores I took a shower and went down Wegmans and stopped at Country Max....
 It was all about mums...

 and pumpkins in the entrance way.
 All I wanted was a bottle of Rambo Wash.

 Judy has been working on the darks in her drawing.
 Madonna started a new drawing of insects....

 Tina finished her pastel drawing of the dog.
 Jean is trying to finish her pen and ink drawing by next week.

After the dogs had their treats from Tina (and Judy) they thought it might be a good idea to see if they could beg for more.

And now....the story of Leo and Not Frank....
My good friend Madonna (above) has a 7 year old grandson named Michael. His parents decided to get him a kitten for his recent birthday and did a lot of research before doing so.  They settled on an "ocelot" looking cat that is a combination of three breeds....shown a lot.  Off they went to Cleveland, Ohio.  They had spoken to the breeder, looked at baby pictures and made up their minds.  The mother cat had 4 kittens...3 males and 1 female and they were going to take one of the males.  His name was Leo and he was 12 weeks old.  When they put him in the crate and got in the car, he cried and cried...very upsetting to Michael (and his father).  They decided that Leo needed his brother so they drove back to the breeders house and said "we want another cat."  She said "what's wrong with the one you have?"  They said "nothing, we want one of his brothers too."  The breeder planned to keep one of the males and the female for breeding, and Michael wanted that particular male....Frank.  When she would not sell that one, they took the remaining brother.  When his father asked what he wanted to call Leo's brother....Michael replied....Not Frank.  Sweet story......

After class I started working on the upstairs as all the curtains were taken down and washed so Gary could work on the inside of the windows.  What a mess.  Until today I ignored it.  

Around 4:30 I got a phone call from my friend Lais.  I had told her about the beautiful Nigerian outfit that was brought to me by another friend (Judy).  Her husband had it made for her when he was in Nigeria.  Seeing I am into this African Drumming thing...she passed it on to me. On Tuesdays, Lais spends time with one of the students from the Dance Department who is working on her Masters degree.  They practice speaking Portuguese.    Her name is Oluyinka and her father is from Nigeria.
They both came up to show me how to put this outfit together....  
So here I am, and I can't wait to wear it to some appropriate event....big hoops etc.
 They left after 6 and I went out to do chores.
Sidney was still hangin' around.  Shocking.

 roasted carrots, potatoes and onions,
and Veggie Burgers!!!!  Yey!!!!!!!!

About the award....It should look familiar!  This time it is from a blogger in Colorado who lives on a 10 acre farm (Tina, there are two beautiful Haffies there).
Once again, I am flattered to have my Journal selected.  Many thanks!
Night all.


  1. you pack SO much in a day!!!

    Warm Aloha from Honolulu;

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  2. The shot of those two cats (Leo and not Frank) is adorable.

  3. Neat outfit!

    Lily has pretty eyes.

  4. I love the 'Leo and Not Frank' story. How cute!
    Beautiful sky pictures!

  5. That outfit suits you. And looks very distinguished.

  6. LOVE that Nigerian dress!! Beautiful colors...The Not Frank story is hilarious. So neat how children can simply come up with these things. Very cute.

  7. Love the not-Frank story and your cool outfit!

  8. Love the outfit, you look great in it. The pups look so funny in that one picture, I don't know which one is on the couch but she made me laugh.
    Great pictures as usual and the house looks wonderful with the flowers in your header. Apparently, we have the same taste in music, because I've been listening to you Farm Radio and really enjoying it while I'm reading and commenting. I got to see Willie (Las Vegas) and Rod (Jones Beach) in concert years ago and they were great.


Thank you for reading The Skoog Farm Journal. Your comments are appreciated!