Thursday, October 20, 2011


 It's all about the sky.

 Every morning for the past week the sunrises have been off the charts....followed by spitting rain.
Annette, we had a very wet spring and now we are having a very wet fall.  I can't say this is the norm, but it seems that there have been many extremes this year.  Extra hot...or wet....or cold...or dry...or windy. Weird.

 As expected, the outdoor arena can't handle the volume and it's flooded AGAIN!

 But look at that light....

 Even the pigeons looked good.
 Lily was waiting for me when I got out to the barn.
 As I took the shot below, the sun was out and it was raining.

 Fortunately it stopped and within an hour it turned grey for the day.

 Grained the ponies and they headed for the back pasture.

 Finn stayed home from school....yesterday with his Mom and today with us.  Poor guy was not feeling well at all.  He finally gave up and slept this afternoon.
 I asked Kate from "A Year with Horses" what she would should suggest for a stiffle problem and am going to try something she mentioned.  Walking Abbe over poles.  Set them up in the indoor today and will start working her tomorrow.  Also want to get her up and down the back hill to try and strengthen her back up.  She seems to be hitchie on cement, but looks pretty normal out in the pasture.  I'm also looking into a chiropractor.
 We should be riding this sweet girl.  It was raining when I went out to do evening chores, so they were tucked in by 6:30.

 My missing Sidney appeared.

 Picked the pastures...

 Got in just before dark....again.
 Gar and I joined Jen and some of her friends at Barbers for dinner.
 The person left of Gary is Jen R.....she and our Jen were roommates all through college.  This weekend a whole group is going to Fredonia for a reunion with old pals.
 It was nice to be included...lots of chatter.
 and balboas.
 Night all.


  1. Wowza--that is an awesome sky!! Nature just keeps "topping" itself. Love the shots of your horses and cats. Have a terrific weekend. Mickie :)

  2. Various pictures, bonanza :0) Nice sky, have a great weekend :0)

  3. The light is stunning . . .and esp. love that pigeon shot!


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