Wednesday, October 19, 2011


We had rain much of the night....thunder and all.  That beautiful morning sky lasted for minutes before it turned to grey.

 I can count on Lily to keep me company while chores are being done. I have not seen Sidney (or Sophie) for days.

 Chorus at 10.  Once again Woody was there with his guitar and I had my djembe.

Around 2 the pups and I drove over to Higbies to buy some beet pulp.  Caught this shot on the way home as I drove through Churchville.  Would love to have this in my yard.
Crossed Black runs right next to a beautiful park and golf course.
 We had a fire going this afternoon and I sat in front of it reading Sharon Creech's book "Walk Two Moons." Written for young adults, it was the winner of the Newbery Medal (not to mention several other awards) and I could not put it down until I found out what happened.  It also had me in tears by the time I finished it.  I've had the honor of meeting this incredible author and we communicate back and forth through our blogs.  She has written many other books that have been used in classrooms here in Brockport and I would recommend every single one.  Her style will grab you as soon as you read the first page.

By late afternoon it was raining and the girls were under the shed roof picking at hay.

 Tucked them in and got back to the house just before dark.
 Made a quick salad (carrots, apples, grapes and nuts....lemon juice and a little mayo).
 And you guessed it!  Leftover cauliflower.

Night all.


  1. You'd think the rain would drive those bad kitties home!
    I enjoy good books, no matter what age they are aimed at.

  2. I LOVE visiting Skoog Farm!!

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  3. It seems like its raining every day at your farm. Is that normal for October?

  4. ps the pink dancing video is a rel sweetie

  5. How nice to see Walk Two Moons there at Skoog Farm!!

  6. I love reading about your days, Lori. Just love it! I wish for rain. This morning we have fog, which is a welcome change from the eternal desert summer and early fall sunshine. All your critters are lovely and your days so full and rich. Thanks for sharing them.

  7. I want to come live at Skoog Farm!!

    lreading next to a fire..pure bliss!!!

    I love that picture - I would die to have that in my yard too.

  8. I like your new 'header photo'. Very dramatic sky.

  9. This book was the last book my Mom (who passed away 3 years ago) gave me. She used to work in a middle school library and wanted me to read it. It really is a beautiful story. The first time I read it I laughed and cried. About six months ago, I came across it and read it again. It still moved me. You don't have to have tragedy going on in your life to understand Salamanca, do you?

    Cold here today, and some rain. I'm trying to not complain about it, but I think I may be growing gills!

  10. Your temps are almost twice mine. How nice that must be. I wouldn't mind winter if it were a little shorter. Enjoy the Fall!


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