Friday, September 16, 2011


 All of a sudden the morning skies are much more dramatic.
Did chores and went in the house for a few minutes before hay was delivered.

 It was beautiful, and they unloaded it in under an hour.  That should do it for the year.

 I love it when the barn is full (ish).

At 1pm I had an appointment with the massage therapist.  Needed it.

By the time I got back to the farm, Gordy B. had just about finished the outdoor arena and was ready to do the indoor.
 Earlier I picked all of the beets, cucumbers, peppers and some of the green tomatoes....
 The gardens were next to be roto-tilled.

Called the ponies in for dinner....

Picked the pastures and put them back out.
 Invited Judy and Sally over for dinner....last minute.

 They went out to the barn with me when I put the girls in for the night.

 A very nice evening.

This morning, Phoebe started snorting around 7:30.  She has done this before, but it never lasted all that long.  Went out to the barn with me...and was not quite so bad.  I called the animal hospital for some suggestions, and then googled the problem.  It seems that many dogs experience this...called a "reverse sneeze."  The only time she stopped was when she was very quiet.  By late afternoon it switched to a different sound and reminded me of a cat trying to get rid of a hair ball.  Poor puppy.
Going to the vet at 8:30 in the morning.  I sure hope it's nothing serious.  I have blown my wad, that's for sure.
Night all.


  1. That morning sky was spectacular!! Dinner looks awesome, as alwasys. Comfort food is starting to sound good.

  2. I love the smell of good hay in barn. Takes me back to my childhood.

    I sure hope your little dog is ok.

  3. Those skies are awesome Lori!! That spaghetti bolognaise is mouth watering..

  4. Gorgeous skies to start your day.

  5. The skies are fantastic!

    Have a fantastic weekend.

  6. Dramatic skies, beautiful hay. Hope Phoebe is ok.

  7. Oh no...Our dogs sometimes do that reverse sneeze thing, but it only last a moment or two. I hope Phoebe is okay. Your photos are so beautiful.

  8. Beautiful sunrise photo's, love the photo of the horses galluping in for dinner. You had a very busy day. Hope Phoebe is OK.

  9. Beautiful photos, productive day and delicious looking meal! I hope that Phoebe is okay and you're enjoying your Saturday--Cold here in Virginia today, fall is here!!

  10. Fabulous morning sky!

    Love the sound and of the girls galluping in...

    Lovely dinner!

  11. visiting here heals my heart!
    You have been added to my blog roll, where you belong.

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    We are crazed moving! Please excuse my absence!

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  12. My horses said they want to come live with you. They like all of that hay!

    I hope Phoebe is OK. It's scary when they do that.


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