Saturday, September 24, 2011


 A nice enough morning.
 A little cool....a little grey.

 Got in early and went to work on the dining room.  Took out the rug under the table (stinky...thank you dogs and cats) and washed it on both sides...have it draped over the picket fence and am hoping for some rain to rinse it off.  Next, Murphy soaped the floor.  No idea where all this ambition came from.

Took a shower and went to drumming for the first time this semester.  It sure felt good.
 Deb and her daughter Claire showed up.  What a nice surprise.

Had to leave early as Gary and I were invited to a birthday party being held on the Mary Jamison.
 Left for Rochester at 3:20.
 This is the Mary Jemison....
 It was docked at Corn Hill Landing and we were there to celebrate the birthday of Lais M.
 The whole family was in town....Here comes Sonji.
 a very special celebration...and we were honored to be included.

 Clyde and the boys planned the day and invited a boatload of people who all were important in some way, to the family.

 What a setting for the people who live in these condos.
 And here is the birthday girl.
 A great effort was made to get us all to meet one and other.  There were students and teachers from the dance department, local personalities, photographers, drummers, and the list goes on.
 Khalid left drumming a little early to catch the ride.
 It was so great to see Clyde, Jr.

 and Lee....

 and Djuna.  These three young men (brothers) are so talented, warm and outstanding in the social graces department.  All three work in New York City and do very well.  Clyde and Djuna were my students many years ago and it is a pleasure to stay in touch with them.
 We started rollin' down the Genesee River...some of us on the upper deck, some below.
 Food, drinks and an opportunity to meet all kinds of interesting people.

 Lais loves being surrounded by her beautiful grandchildren.

 Lee is a professional photograph and must have taken hundreds of shots.
 Wayne was at drumming earlier and got there a little after we did.
 One of the guests was an opera singer....she sang for us.

 Before we docked, there was a toast made and after several versions of "Happy Birthday" in English, the final one was sung by friends from Brazil (her home country).

The sun was starting to go down....

 as we were getting ready to leave.

 What a way to celebrate.  You would have loved all the people we met.
Home before dark.  The dogs and I went out to check on the ponies.  Jill had chore duty, allowing us to go on our little adventure.  Thank you Jill.
Night all.


  1. Looks like a perfectly splendid day!

  2. What a wonderful trip down the river. I agree - that's an honor.
    Your photos are outstanding.

  3. What a lovely outing. And a smashing party. Asolutely ideal.

  4. What a lovely way to celebrate...good friends and beautiful family!

  5. What a great day.Looks like so much fun
    Benny & Lily

  6. What a lovely celebration you were so fortunate to attend....don't you just love dreads....I do and if I could I would. The beauty and love of the family is so predominant...high 5 to you and yours Lori!

  7. A great birthday !

    Nice to hear the djembe. It reminds me the times when Le Cheval learnt playing it. The teacher has gone so there are no more djembe lessons at the village music school. But we still have the djembe. Hope it will be useful again.

    See you soon

  8. a little cool
    a little gray
    a little river journey
    through the little town
    a little Aloha
    along the way!

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


    < ° ) } } > <

  9. Everytime i hear that your daughter is doing good i get really happy!!!

    Glad you had fun drumming and your picture look lovely!


  10. You know SO many people - so many interesting people!


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