Monday, September 12, 2011

MASTERPIECE OF '79 - 1979-2011

Rest in peace my sweet boy.... 
Masterpiece was our first horse.  We bought him at 20 months old and have had him for over 30 years ...he was one amazing boy to the end.  This morning  our daughter, Jenny (who was at a friend's farm the day he was born) was able to be here with made a difference.  To think that not too many days ago he cantered in from the pasture...bum knee and all.


  1. I am so sorry. He was a great soul, and I'm glad he was able to have good friends with him at the end. Sending best wishes and thoughts to all of you.

  2. Oh Lori, I really am crying, these aren't just word. I'm so sorry that Masterpiece has left for the Bridge. To have loved and cared for a horse for over 30 years is a blessing. I know that, in time, you will glory in all of the memories you have of him. But, I know that, right now, you hurt, and, for that, I'm sorry.

  3. sorry to hear this. He looked like a great horse. So hard...

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss.

    30 years is a long life, I'm sure he was very well cared for and loved to make it to such an age. And I'm glad to hear he was still kicking up his heels until the end. He had a good, happy life, may he rest in peace!

  5. Oh Lori....I wish that I could be there to give you a big hug...I am so sorry. What a hard summer it has been. I am sitting her with tears streaming down my face. Thinking of you...

  6. Lori, I am so sorry. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Our warm regards, Mike and Ann.

  7. Lori. I've had a couple of emails from a friend of ours, Sue, who lives in the same small town as we do. She reads your blog regularly but as she does not have a blog of her own she cannot comment directly to you. She would however like me to send you her sympathy on this very sad occasion.

  8. I'm so sorry to hear about the death of your beautiful old boy. There's something so special about the old ones. I'm glad to hear that he was in the company of good friends, his girls and his people. May your heart be blessed with all the memories you've made with him in your life.

  9. I am so terribly sorry..even 30 wonderful years doesn't feel like enough.

  10. So hard to say "Good Bye" to a good friend...his sweet spirit is with you forever!

    Glad Jen was there.

  11. Oh, Lori, I am so so SO sorry. I'm sending you a big, long, strong hug. My eyes filled with tears when I saw your post header...

  12. Oh no. I am so very sorry.

  13. In Fields of Gold ...maybe pastures of Gold, is where he is now cantering. My heart is heavy for yours yet, happy for him to be truly free.

  14. That must have been such a great loss to you all. It's always hard to lose a family member.

  15. I just read your blog----So sorry about Masterpiece----Memories keep pets living in our hearts forever---Sara

  16. I am a day late, my heart aches, I beam you molto love and hugs. This will be hard.

  17. Oh Lori-I am so sorry. I have been worried about him and am so sad that his time has come, but he is so lucky that you gave him the gift of release from pain into peacefulness. He clearly had such a wonderful life surrounded by all of his horsie friends, beautiful pastures, and endless love from his humans. Sending love and healing thoughts your way...

  18. Wow I didn't realize he was over thirty. He looked so good for that age. And galloping in from the pasture. What a testament to your love and care. He was lucky to have you. What a wonderful life he had on your beautiful farm, always knowing he was loved and safe.

  19. Oh I am so sorry about Masterpiece I know how that would just rip your heart out. I am so sorry. B

  20. This touching poem absolutely brought tears to my eyes. I am very much an "animal person, especially loving dogs, cats, and horses. I intrigued by the name of your blog. When I first read it, I conjured up all sorts of living creatures in my mind, including Unicorns.

    I stopped by as part of Meg's Bloggers Ball and so glad I did. Haven't finished looking around, but plan to after writing this message....Nancy

  21. Sorry, Lori, I left the wrong comment here. I was on a poet's site and was trying to respond to her poem. But I am glad that I made the mistake and found you and your site. Losing Masterpiece must have been terribly heart-wrenching. I lost my Gold Retriever a couple of years ago and still get emotional about it at times. Very sorry for your loss.


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