Sunday, September 11, 2011


 I can't tell you how many moving moments I experienced today.  10 years later and it's still not hard to feel what happened.  Eventually, I could not watch or listen anymore....  If you are a dog lover (Jill), go to my link for Kim at Golden Pines.  She will refer you to a blog about two goldens who survived 9/11 in a 17th floor apartment.  It finished me off.
 On top of being September 11th, I am very worried about my horse.
 He could barely negotiate his way to the pasture today...but he has such inner strength.
Wanted to be with his girls no matter what.
 Soaked and wrapped him 1 more time...more bute...but he's still hurting.

Today was our friend Louise's birthday and 10 of us celebrated over at Archie and Patty's house.
 It was a brunch....Judy and Patty coordinated one spectacular meal.

 A couple of years ago, an addition was added to their already spectacular house.
 We went upstairs for a tour.
 It's like a suite...with great light, bamboo floors, and a spectacular view.
 I could live here in a heartbeat.
 Look at those beams!
 We ate like kings....Gary helped with the scrambled eggs.

 Pumpkin waffles....
 roasted asparagus
 veggie salad
 scrambled eggs
 Judy made Louise a Boston Cream Cake.
 What a perfect way to celebrate.

And now, a few shots of the exterior...Architectural Digest, where are you?

 After we left, Gary went down to the Welcome Center and I mowed the lawn.
Chores at 5:30.  I left Masterpiece in with some 2nd cutting so he would not be tempted to walk too much.  He didn't like that, so after an hour I put the rest of the horses in to keep him company.
 Tomato sandwiches for dinner.  Who could eat more after that brunch?
Night all.


  1. Good night!
    It sure looked good and my that picture with the fog was one to hang on your wall. I will go to Kim's blog and see about those dogs. All the stories people tell today give strength.


  2. Yes, it was an emotional day for sure. This afternoon I quit reading things and looking at memories and went outside and worked. It helped. I'm worried about Masterpiece too. I sure hope he pulls through. ...and that house... you can't live there because I want it! -- or we could live there together?? The kitchen, the beams, everything!

  3. It seems like you have such a great group of friends. Sorry to hear your horse is ailing.

  4. I'm so sorry Masterpiece is still hurting. I know how draining it is worrying about these horses of ours. Hugs to you and the big guy.

    I'm off to read Kim's blog. It's such a sad day.

  5. Quite a story about the two dogs a block and a half from the Twin Towers. So many emotions racing around...the experience is still just as fresh and horrifying today as it was ten years ago.

    "I remember just where I was on that day," was the first thing everyone said today.

    Lovely home for the Birthday Brunch celebration.

    So hope Masterpiece recovers...he seems to be fighting to continue his happy life.

  6. Sending good thoughts to Masterpiece. Hope he heals quickly.

    Gorgeous house and wonderful food.

    It's was a hard day, so many memories and still a little disbelief too I think that it happened at all.

  7. Beautiful banner !
    Hope your horse is going better.
    See you soon

  8. With you all the way: emotional day, poor Masterpiece, yum brunch, beautiful addition . . . Not much sleep last night.

  9. MAGIC...indeed...pure MAGIC & your BEST, VERY BEST PIC of one of your gorgeous mornings; Lori...its GOLDEN!!!!

    (I love your choice to show your great pics so much larger; GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!)

    ----Beautiful house of your friends & please take care of Masterpiece; I am convinced you do a great job!!
    All the very best wishes!!!!!!!!!!!
    ....& give him at least two carrots from me & Sheylah...!!!!!

    Un abbraccio ciao ciao elvira


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