Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Thanks to all those who have been concerned about Sophie.  Last night when I put the ponies in, I checked in the tack room and there she was....eating.  Just yesterday Jill was saying she thought she had left the farm.
 In case you don't know what I am talking about...when Jill moved Belle to Skoog Farm, she had just sold her own farm and needed to place several of her cats.  I said she could bring 3 if she would be responsible for them.  Lily and Newbie have become part of the gang and Sophie has been the shy one.  I was very happy to see her last night. 


  1. Hi Lori, sorry I've been away twice in two weeks and now catching up with my blog visits. So glad Sophie pitched up and is fine. I hope she settles in soon to your lovely barn and animal family. Jo

  2. I have a personality and adventure streak like cats. Welcome back Sophie. We too have a Sophie... a siamese.

  3. I'm so glad that she has made an appearance. I was getting worried about her, but didn't want to say anything, lest it prove to be a jinx.

  4. Glad to see Sophie's back.
    We had a mother cat vanish once leaving 5 tiny kittens. My newly wed uncle and aunt who were house-sitting for us, kept the kittens alive for 5 days feeding them every few hours by hand. On the 5th day we returned home. My father went into his workshop, opened a draw and out jumped the mother cat. She went straight to her kittens and took over their care from my now very weary uncle and aunt.


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