Wednesday, July 6, 2011



 The sunrise.....
 melted into a beautiful morning.....
 The bikes were waiting to be ridden....

 Gary and Daniela left for a yoga class before 7:30.
 Ariana went out to the barn with me to help with chores.
 By 9 it was 80 degrees and started to get muggy.

 The ponies spent a lot of time in the shade.
 After chores, Ariana and I went on a bike ride.  Lucky for us, there was a breeze.
 Grampa and Daniela got back after we did.

 I went out to mow the back pasture.

 The ponies came out and joined me, eating the mown part while I worked on the rest.

 I think Belle is about ready to join the herd.  On Friday I will work on that.
 Back in the house for lunch, then out to the Studio Barn where Gary was working on his chair.


 It got hotter and hotter....muggier and muggier.

 It was supposed to rain, and it finally did.  Two five minute torrential downpours 15 minutes apart.  It was just enough to perk up the outdoor arena which I dragged yesterday.  At 4:30 I put the horses in as I did not know what the weather was going to do.
 Finn, Coop, Kevin, Ariana and Daniela went to a 4pm movie so Gar and I took advantage and went down to Barber's for a Balboa.  Jen made dinner for them after work.
 When we finished eating we drove over to the Welcome Center to see what was happening.
 At least 6 boats were docked.

 Of course the weather was perfect when I got home, so I let the horses back out...picked the stalls and set them up for the night....again.  After two showers today, I was soaked again....too muggy for me.  Went back in the house, grabbed some ice water and sat in front of a fan.  5 minutes later Barb called and had half a load of sawdust for me!  Yayyyyyyy!!!!  Back out to the barn to help her unload it.  A very long day.

 By then, all the horses were back out on the grass.
 Look at the beautiful coats on those babies!
Gar picked up the girls and we were all ready to crash.
Night all.


  1. Beautiful day, beautifiul horsies, beautiful kids
    Benny & Lily

  2. Very sweet photos of the girls.
    The horses look great too. I caught a glimpse of your daylilies in one of your photo, and I cannot believe how tall they are!

  3. I can't say that I'm a fan of hot muggy days but they sure bring beautiful skies.

  4. Up and at 'em early isn't something I can get going around here with all the late night sun. Wish we were morning people...

    Everything is so green and pretty. I am dying to see the finished chair. You really need to share his tips and the kinds of paint he uses. I have three chairs that have been waiting three years to be put together and painted! Looks like you are really having a good time with your granddaughters. That is so sweet.

  5. Lovely granddaughters, beautiful smiles...amazing family resemblances!

    Those lazy hazy days of summer are certainly packed full of activity at the Skoog farm. Whew!

  6. Your granddaughters are turning into very lovely young ladies. I loved the photo shoot. I loved the horses. Heck, I loved the whole thing.

  7. Beautiful girls. You all had a pretty busy day but fun. Can't take the humidity either and I've been taking more showers than I'd like to, starting to look like a shriveled up old prune.

  8. What beautiful shots of two beautiful young ladies! The rocking chair is looking fabulous. I really like the colors.

  9. A long, long day, but such beautiful girls and beautiful skies and ponies. I'm going to the hammock :)

  10. Beautiful young ladies.Sara


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