Friday, July 8, 2011


 Barb was here this morning....Mustafa's last day at Skoog Farm.
 Abbe is going to be lost without her big boyfriend.
 Daniela told Barb that if his neck was any longer he would be a giraffe!

 Hopefully Belle will get worked into the herd this weekend.

Jenny and the troops left early after their sleep over in the Studio Barn.  Finn got his stitches out today and then they all went in to the Museum of Play.
While they were at lunch, Jen sent this photo to me from her phone.  Tonight they are all going to the Ame's home for dinner and will end up at Jen's for the night.  It's quiet around here.
 Before I totaled the deck of our riding lawn mower I took a few shots of the flowers near the indoor.

 It's fair to say that Gary was not very happy.  We put the lawn tractor on the trailer and I drove it over to Danny's ( I will also pick up the tab!!!!!).  He said he can get it back together but it will take some time as he currently has nearly 70 work orders.  That meant we had to use the hand mower to finish the rest of the yard....that is a huge undertaking, but between us we did it.
 Gar finished touching up the rocker and will have the girls join him for the ride to Chautauqua (where the Take A Seat Auction will be held in a few weeks).
 Jill and her sister stopped over around 1pm to ride Belle.  She had not been ridden since last summer, and after a short lunging was a very good girl.
 After three, Mustafa left the farm.  Please see the post below.
When it was chore time this evening, Jill was here and we turned out Belle with the other horses for about half an hour.  There was a little activity, but not too bad.  We stayed right with her.  Tomorrow morning we will do it again.

 That's Belle in the front.
 They ate a little grass, then we separated them again.
 Another shot in the dark.

Went out at 9 to put the ponies in for the night.  Belle is now in Mustafa's stall and seems pretty happy.

Night all.


  1. The daylilies are gorgeous. Give Abbe a big hug for me - change is hard.

  2. Glad Jen survived the night "camping out" with the kids. I can't believe Finn's stitches are already out. I swear he just got hurt! Super that everything healed so well. So how did you total the deck of the mower? (Is the deck where your feet ride?). Hope it won't be too costly. You'll have to put some kids to work helping you do it by hand now.

  3. Forgot to say, please tell Daniela I enjoyed her story.

  4. Beautiful Daylilies...

    Sorry about your sick mower.

    Belle joins the herd...a new saga begins. Will she be Abbe's new friend...will they whisper and do lunch?

  5. Gorgeous flowers, as usual. Sorry about the tractor/mower. Agh. So interesting to hear about integrating Belle in with the others . . .
    Are Gar & kids coming to Chautauqua today??

  6. I really enjoyed this post.

  7. Poor Belle. How attached do horses get to each other? Could they become depressive because their buddy was gone?
    Lovely flowers! I love lilies.

  8. That reflection in your banner shot is wonderful. That horse... a beauty.

  9. I'm glad that Belle is settling right in.

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