Sunday, July 10, 2011


 This morning Daniela and Ariana were up early....ready to help me with chores.
 The ponies were all turned out together....3 pastures.  But Belle kept to herself.

 The girls are old enough now to pick stalls, rake and do water.  Makes a difference.

We went down to the farm market after we changed our clothes.
More and more fruit and veggies have become available.

 Gary had been at Java for coffee and met us.

 I can't wait until the Main Street construction is completed so the Village can get back to it's quaint self.  This is how it looked today....improvement.
 We cruised by the Welcome Center to see if any boats were around.
 Gary and Daniela went down for duty at 2pm.
 Dropped some onions and garlic at Judy's house and then hit Wegmans.
 When we got home Ariana and Daniela helped Gar pull and sort garlic.

 I spent the afternoon in the kitchen making things from all our purchases at the market.
Like cucumbers/onions/dill in a vinegar/water/sugar brine.  The dill was from our garden.
 I wasted no time eating cherries....
 while Ariana discovered how delicious raspberries can be.
 Also picked up tomatoes....
 Picked our first zucchini from the garden...will make that tomorrow.
 Delicious dill.
 Then there were the donuts...just what we did not need.  Homemade fried cakes.

 This years garlic and onion crops are both exceptional.

Gary set Ariana up with a sandwich board and some paint so she could make a sign.
 Jen brought the boys up so she could pick up a few things.  They took a little time to work on the "coloring" books I got them at the sidewalk sale.

 Chore muggy.  Yuck.
 Finished getting dinner ready.
 A salad made from red leaf lettuce (from the market - $1.00)
 Nice crusty bread.
 and penne made with meatsauce (requested by the girls).

 After dinner, the crew went out to play badminton.

 They really got into it.

 Cooper did not want to play...instead he wanted to color in his Cat book.  A little tired looking????
 His first choice was a lion.

 They ran out of gas around 8 and came in for a little ice cream (and lots of ice water).
I almost fell asleep before 9.  Ariana let me I went out to put the horses in before I ran out of energy.

 Belle knows where her new stall is located.  She waits for all the others to go in and then tucks herself in for the night.  What a sweet girl.

By the way, I called Barb this afternoon.  Your Grace and King Mustafa are doing well.  They are free to go in and out of the barn/stalls and are happy to be together.   Good news and a quick transition.
 I am truly out of gas and need to put my feet up.  The boys are going to spend the day here tomorrow...if we are lucky, we will get in some swimming.
Night all.


  1. Those cherries look wonderful -- my favorite fruit. Please tell us again how you freeze your tomatoes for winter pasta sauce. I know they end up in freezer bags... but how they get there, I have forgotten. I'd like to do the same with mine.

  2. I hope that you are able to get in some swimming, because it's going to be a blinger.

  3. Yummmmmmmm: to all of it--food, kids, horses. What a treasure your blog is.

  4. I'm spent just looking at your day. Sheeeeesh!

  5. I'm spent just looking at your day. Sheeeeesh!

  6. Hi Lori, I was just wondering if you were aware of a blogger who calls him(her)self Modern Knight- I was suspicious because the comments it left were rather strange, so I checked it out. It seems that there are some pirated photos from your blog on as post there:
    Looks like this person just cut/pastes stuff from the internet or other people's blogs. I'm deleting their comments and reporting them as spam.

  7. Wow! What a day! You are so lucky to have such sweet young folks around. They sure are a big help and they know how to put a smile on your face.

  8. I love the photo of Daniela in silhouette.
    Belle seems to be the new kid at school.
    It looks like Cooper got your art gene - that's a striking lion.
    Too bad we can't trade yuccas for daylilies!

  9. Hi Lori, how I love your blog about your beautiful home, garden, grands, horses and cats. (missed seeing the dogs today!) Ariana is looking so grown-up; a beauty already. And the silhouette photo of Daniella is striking. I just LOVE visiting you! Blessings and hugs Jo


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