Thursday, July 21, 2011


 Ariana and Daniela came home from the soccer game with Abby Wambach T-shirts.  Fortunately by then it had cooled off.  Both decided to go to the Buffalo Airport with Grampa, to pick up their parents at 1am.  Home by 2:30!
 They slept in and I did morning chores.
 Fortunately there was a fairly good breeze all day.  The poor was SO HOT!
Took a shower and went to Wegmans.  Kevin brought the boys up around 11 and we did our best to stay cool.  It was impossible.  All the windows were closed and the fans were going but it was still about 80 degrees inside.

Ariana and Daniela were very happy to see their parents.  Coop and Finn get a real kick out of Uncle Joe.
 After lunch Steph took all the kids swimming.  I stayed home and worked on dinner.
 Potato salad...
 marinated boneless pork chops....
 Gary grilled outside so I would not have to use the oven.
 Had two fans going in the dining room so it would be bearable.

 Had a few laughs...crazy conversations.
 Jen and Daniela played scrabble out on the back porch...still hot.

 No energy for picture taking today.  Took another cold shower and am trying to get my thermostat down.
Played the piano with Ariana and called it a day.  Absolutely can't stand this weather.
Night all.


  1. Gotta love a big table full of family for dinner!

  2. We are melting here in KY. We do have the luxury of AC, but it is hard to keep a house cool when it is almost 100 degrees outside. Stay cool

  3. Poor ponies, poor humans! Hope it cools off soon.

  4. Hard to stay cool, isn't it? It has been over 100 degrees here for 20+ days already this year, and August is still to come. Hot, hot, hot. Your dinner looked scrumptious!! Nice to have friends, family, and fun activities to take your mind off the heat. Stay cool. Mickie :)

  5. Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral


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  6. Okay momma is trying to reach through the computer to steal the Wombach Tee shirt...oh do those foods look yummE
    Benny & Lily

  7. You would never say it is winter here either! It gets so hot around midday but cool in the evenings. Lovely family get together..

  8. Looks like agood scrabble game, Lori. That 'excited' across the top centre triple scored (by my reckoning) fifty eight points, and the rest of the board is bristling with opportuniy. Well played, ladies.

  9. Please tell Ariana that in the last photo (and in that gown) she looks like Scarlet O'Hara in that pre war film (sorry- senior moment- can't remember the name of it).
    Yes, I can -Gone with the Wind- I think.

  10. I want to be there just so I can say I don't stand the weather! :) You should invest in a cheap window air conditioner. We got two on sale for $60 each, but we can get them for $109 at Sam's. We only use them a handful of days in the summer, but it is completely worth it to be cool and comfortable. Even running all night we don't notice a big difference in the electric bill. Life is too short to spend days uncomfortable.

    I bet the ponies stuck close to some fans today. Our good news..we had hot sun today...shorts weather..and the forecast was rain. So stoked. Sure hope I can get another day tomorrow.

    Have fun with all the guests.

  11. Wasn't yesterday just awful? We Western New Yorkers are just not used to temperatures that high. My backyard thermometer reached 102. I have a/c, thank goodness, but it was really working, to keep the house cool. And, going outside was terrible.

    Your family get together looks great. Good food and family, that's just about as good as it gets.

  12. We are as limp as dishrags outside, but fortunately we have A/C inside. This hot is too too hot. Hope you can cool down.

  13. It's so nice to have everyone together. The dinner looks great but I think it's too hot to cook. Stay cool.

  14. I hear ya on this awful weather. What a nice big full table :-D.


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