Thursday, June 23, 2011


 Last night the power went out again!  More rain and muggy, so I decided to put hay nets up in the run-in.

 Barb was here and by 8:30 Jen dropped Finn and Coop off.  They will be here every Thursday until school starts up again.  The weatherman said we would have storms this afternoon, so we went over to Christina's World around 11 for our first swim of the season.

 Today Coop was pretty close to swimming on his own....he even managed to do a couple proper dives off the side of the pool.

 As many of you have noticed, Tina has beautiful gardens and has taken many outstanding photographs.
 Not only are there planters around the pool, she even has a flower box on the barn.
 We had a great time and really appreciate having the opportunity to use this gorgeous facility.  By the way, the water temperature was 84.

Home around 12:30.  Had lunch and the boys occupied themselves with the toys they had brought to the farm.  When Gary got home from his meetings, he took them out for ice cream and went to a playground.  Came home soaking wet from the heat.

While they were gone I cut some flowers for the kitchen and dining room tables.  Company tomorrow night.  Our regular monthly get together with Tina and Roger joining in.

You know those smooth stones I have written about?  Here is one of my "smooth stones."  Now I have to think about some words to go with it.

 Check out the difference in color when I took the shots from different angles.

 I started getting things ready for dinner (Jenny and the boys joined us) when Barb called and said a big storm was coming through in just a few minutes.  I had macaroni salad all made, grilled hot dogs, a fruit salad....and while everyone ate I went out to put the horses in before the weather went nuts.
 Didn't get anymore food pictures.

It was getting pretty dark by the time I got to the paddock.
 Barb came over and we set the horses up for the night.
 Mustafa wanted to stay under the shed roof.
 A real torrential downpour.  The water was coming down in sheets.
 By the time I swam back to the house, everyone was finished eating.
 Coop was being bugged all day by a very loose tooth.  He asked Grampa to pull it out but he couldn't do it.  SO, Coop did it himself.  What a brave boy!!!!
 Everyone left...the rain let up....and didn't the sun come out!
 Earlier I had taken off my soaking wet clothes and put on my nightgown...which I wore out to the barn so I could turn the horses out.  Then I reset the stalls and took a couple of pictures.
 Now, a black dot is showing up in all my shots....
 and I have to send in my camera.  This is getting old!  It is the third camera I have had to send back in.
 Can you see the dot in this photo?

Night all.


  1. Wow you pack a lot in one post. I love your photos. They look like they are having so much fun.
    Your horses have a great life I can tell. I have no idea why you keep losing power very weird.
    I do not see a dot in the last pic but that does not mean much I cannot see that great. Take care and have a nice weekend. B

  2. Between my dirty computer screen and the floaters in my eyes, no way can I see your black dot.
    84 degree water sounds like heaven!
    Hope you dry out soon. Again.

  3. We got that torrent of rain, also. I'm glad you got the horses in. And, I'm glad someone else runs around their yard in their nightgown, too.

  4. The pool looks wonderfully inviting. I would love to have a hot day like that.

    My camera is a mess. So much dirt. I need to drop it off to be cleaned, but there is only one place in town, downtown above an icky bar and I just can't make myself to go there. Silly because me camera is awful.

  5. The only black spot I see is in the tree on the left side...could be branches.

    Fun time at the pool... happy boys,and beautiful flowers.

    Looks like the tooth fairy may have been busy last night!

  6. Do you guys have a pool? I didn't know! Speaking of swimming back from the rain, you should have been with me Lori as I rode the horses home during the better part of the Maduhu storm! I was more than swimming in my boots!

  7. Are you sure the black dot isn't in your eye?? ho! (I do see a fuzzy black something at middle left. . . ) That pool water sure looks gooooood.

  8. This rain is truly amazing...we've had so much rain this spring that everything is lush and flourishing well. Love the "kid vid's"...they are mighty fortunate children. Love the stone!

  9. My power has gone out twice in the past week. I'm kind of tired of resetting clocks.


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