Wednesday, June 22, 2011


 First of all, congratulations are in order for Margay Blackman, who won the election for trustee in the Village of Brockport.  It's going to be a turning point.

 We had some outrageous weather last night starting around 1:15am.  The thunder, lightning and rain must have kept everyone in the area awake.  Loud and scary.  This morning it was grey and dark.
 I knew it!  If I had the ring rototilled, the rains would come....and they did.  What a mess.
 Put the ponies in the back pasture....
 Yes, Barb was doing her thing.

 100 acres of soybeans showed up overnight.
 So did the blossoms growing up the trellis on the pergola.
 Two pups and a kitty were trying to get my attention when I went back to the house.

 It worked.

Ran a couple of errands and then headed toward Batavia.

 A dentist appointment.  How exciting.

 Such a beautiful office.
 Their village had the same hanging flower baskets as Brockport.

The day turned very muggy and we had rain off and on.  The bugs were after the horses when I went out to do evening chores.
 It was still too dark to get a good shot of these blossoms.

 While I was feeding the horses, Gary worked on a chair for the Take A Seat Auction to be held in Chautauqua late in July.  I hope he keeps it red, I love the color.

 Earlier, I picked up this hanging plant at Country Max.  Added a little zip to the porch.
 No cooking tonight.  Gar and I decided that breakfast at the Golden Eagle sounded good.
 We didn't get down there until after 7:30 and the sun was starting to go down.
 Could not resist taking more shots of the lillies...they are quite spectacular.

Finn and Coop are going to spend the day with us tomorrow, that should bring a little excitement to the farm.
Night all.


  1. Seymour and the pups are too cute together. And that clematis is gorgeous.

  2. pets, blossoms, horses, and charts!

    you see beauty everywhere - bless you :)

    Aloha from Honolulu :)

    Comfort Spiral




  3. For a 'calm' day, you sure managed to capture a lot. Love all the flowers blooming, the red chair, the horses and the pets competing for your attention!

  4. Beautiful yellow Daylilies....maybe a Daylily note collection in different colors!

    Of course, I love pics of Seymour and the pups...waiting for breakfast?

  5. Maybe nothing exciting, but, a lovely Summer day for you. I like the red chair, too, by the way.

  6. I agree with Louise--It may not seem like excitement, but your pictures tell a different story of all that's going on around you!

  7. Rain and bugs...same story here. Love the chair Gary is working on. Looking forward to the finished product.


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