Wednesday, May 25, 2011


 Another grey start to the day....
 but no rain.  

Finn did not feel well and could not go to school, so Jen brought him up here.  He arrived right when I was coming in from chores.

Within minutes I heard an airplane outside our window, and went out to catch some photos.

 It was a crop duster that was dropping spray a few fields away.
 I hate having chemicals flying through the air.
 Gar spent some time in the gardens today.  Will we ever get them together?
 Made a quick trip to Wegmans.  The landscapers were planting thousands of flowers.
 Today was our chorus picnic out at the director's home.
 A potluck picnic.

 (my favorite food photo)

 Maryellen and Jay live in a gorgeous cobblestone, set on a magnificent piece of property.
 The sun was out and felt terrific when the wind wasn't blowing.

 Jay is above on the right, and Maryellen is below.  They always host great gatherings.

One of our chorus members had her brother record our concert the other night.  We listened to the whole is a sample.

From there, we went over to the Doty's to see their gardens.

 There's also a creek bordering their property.  Would I love that... so would the horses.
 When we got back to the farm,  Kathy was there with her horse trailer.  Time for a good ride.
 She has a very sweet Morgan mare.  First, we rode in the indoor, then out for a trail ride.  Berlin was in her bitless bridle and on the buckle....until we headed back home.  She jigged the whole way because she thought she was missing something back in the pasture.  When we ride somewhere else, she never does this!  Worked up a pretty good lather.
 When I took her back to the barn for a good grooming, Abbe and Masterpiece wanted to come in too, so I groomed them all.

 My saddle needs a good cleaning too.
 Of course Berlin had to roll the second she was turned back outside.
 Did evening chores, then Gar and I went down to the Town Park to watch Cooper in his first T-ball game.
 He was quite the character.

 Home in time to watch AI.  I knew Scotty would win!


  1. You live a good, full life Lori!

  2. A full day sounds like an understatement...

    Such fun to follow you through it...picnics, riding, baseball, etc.

    I was visiting Cobblestone buildings today. They are fascinating history of our area.

  3. Your picnic looks great! Love that stream and flower garden! I don't know why...but I love it sometimes when my horse jigs around like Berlin did. Although it is bad for them to do, it can be fun to ride. Makes me feel a little wild I guess...ha ha..

  4. What an enjoyable day!! Your pictures also remind me of why I love pot luck dinners, they are the best, aren't they?? I had to grin at your doing a 'quick trip' to Wegmans--I'm still trying to figure out how to do that--I did a 'quick trip' yesterday and ended up spending about $100...I love Wegmans... :-))

  5. Spectacular photos, Lori!
    I've been moving onto a new computer so am still finding my way back to my favorite places!

  6. So jealous about the riding. Last time I was on a horse was in Oct. and I didn't want to get off!

    All that food looks so good. You go to the best parties with the most outstanding dishes. Hope you know how lucky you are!! :)

    Still in school? We got out a week ago. Next week Lucas starts soccer and I'll be extra busy.


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