Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Today was much nicer than expected!
 Woke up to the sound of geese in the field south of our bedroom.  Usually they are in the big pasture.
 More Iris were blooming.
 A little grey when I put the horses out.

 Before I finished the sun appeared and the temperature started going up.  On with the masks.
A little standing water remains in the pasture, but not enough for me to keep them off it.
 I got out the lawn tractor to mow the lawn AGAIN, and it would not move.  Gary had taken the wheel off it to get a tube put in yesterday and something went wrong when he put it back on.  I can't tell you how thrilled he was....ended up loading it on the trailer and taking it to Danny's repair shop.
 Fortunately he was back by 11:30 and I got a lot of the mowing done before my class started.
It was a good day to break out some cranberry spritzers.
 It felt great to be back out in the Studio Barn.

 This was my view out the east window.  Peaceful.
 And here's what it looked like from the deck.  What a gorgeous sky.
 One week from tomorrow we set up our art show.

 Donna brought along her good friend, Francesca.  We really enjoyed her company.

 Gucci and Phoebe join us for every class.  Make themselves at home.
 As soon as everyone left, I finished mowing the lawn.
 There was a blue jay next to the farm wagon.
 He had no interest in moving away from me.
 I don't get it.  He looked ok but did not fly away.
 Got back in time to watch a little Oprah.  I intend to watch her last three shows as she has made amazing contributions to so many people and causes.  Today's was very moving.

 When that was over, I went up to the Rec Center to vote.  This special election has gotten a lot of national recognition.  It has been a ridiculous campaign and we have truly gotten more than 20 calls.
But it is very important and will be over at 9pm tonight.

 One of the candidates had signs in two places on the property leading to the voting place.
 That really ticked me off!  Fortunately, I don't think he has a remote chance of winning.
  Who gave permission to do this???

Back home and made a simple dinner.
 One of my usual salads.
 Sauteed some onions and steamed some carrots.  Put olive oil, a little butter and some Romano cheese on it before serving.

 We needed a simple meal after all those wings!
Barb had chore duty and I relaxed.
Gary's off to a meeting about the 4th of July and I'm getting ready to see who is going to win this dancing competition....harmless entertainment.
Night all.


  1. I love the pictures of the blue jay. So different from the jays out here - yours are prettier, I think. And, honestly, are really Swedish? You make such yummy looking pasta all the time!

  2. A late comment...so enjoy the pics of Mustafa greeting you Monday morning.

    Would a ninish card pickup work on Thurs. or Fri.?

  3. Lori, I've enjoyed drinking in all of the greenness. We've had a looooooooog, cold spring, and the greening has been delayed.

    The forthcoming art show--how exciting!

  4. I enjoyed drinking in all of this lush greenness, Lori. Ours has been a looooooooooog, cold spring, and the greening has been delayed.

    The upcoming art show--how exciting!

  5. Love your studio. Such a bright and happy place. I would love it to do crafts in! Love the mower. Someday I'll have one like that!

  6. Especially love your blue jay header & pic here, and also the final pic w/that great light!


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