Saturday, April 9, 2011


It's going to be another busy day, so before I go to drumming, thought it would be smart to get my post started.  Well!  This is it!  The day we have all been waiting for....brilliant and on it's way to 60 degrees...not even windy.  This afternoon will be perfect for a ride in a convertible.

 A little misty out in the back forty, but that disappeared while Barb and I were doing chores.
 The Colorado skies are back.

 Today Barb is going to start clipping King Mustafa.
 Masterpiece needs a total makeover....half of his hair is off, the rest is long.

 I've kept the horses off the biggest pasture as it still has some standing water in it.  A couple more days like this and the ponies can start using it.  Things are really starting to green up.
I've been to Wegmans and starting getting ready for company tonight.  Decided not to make dessert (not enough time) so I bought a splendiferous chocolate cream pie.  A good meal is on the way.
Have to leave now, back later.

We started out with about 7 of us and ended up with 12 or 13.
 It was a very busy session and I could feel the difference, standing up and playing my new drum.  Learned more with a lot to go.
 Stan was kind enough to bring me more clear bags for my in 500.  Now we are both selling.

Home around 4:30 with lots to do before dinner.
How about this chair...I got it at an auction put on by the Dressage Association several years ago.  Love the way it was painted.
Tonight's salad had mango, orange and banana on mixed greens with onion and crumbly blue.
I marinated boneless pork chops overnight and Gary grilled them outside.
 Deb brought us two beautiful bouquets of tulips.
 Before we ate, I went out to put the horses in for the night.
A beautiful evening.
On to the eating part.  Lomain, shish kebobs with peppers and onions....
grilled pineapple too.
 Chocolate Pie ala Danny Wegman.
 So good.
I am so tired I can't keep my eyes open.
Night all.


  1. HELLO!!! I hope you've had a great day and your evening is too--I'm sure your dessert will be wonderful, it always is when it's from Wegmans!!

  2. More great skies from you... with or without your boogie shoes! Enjoy your party tonight.

  3. Glad to see you have some warmer weather!

  4. I love your pictures of the sunrise! Beautiful!

  5. Yum! And everything is looking so green and beautiful! Even the shaggy beasts.

  6. Beautiful Spring day! 70's Sunday, too bad your pool is no more.

    Great pictures of all the ponies.

    Delish looking dinner. Have never tried a Wegman's pie...may have to try one.

  7. Any wonder you are tired, you are always on the go. You must be happy to see the green paddocks and blue sky again. I would love to come to your house for dinner....yum yum.

  8. Beautiful skies, beautiful horses, beautiful green, and mmmmmmm food!

  9. 60 degrees and Colorado skies! Wow! Your table looks so inviting, as does dinner. Love that chair!

  10. Beautiful early morning skies... so dreamy. Thank you for your visit and kind comment :)

  11. Seen similar painted furniture in Sweden. Is that where your chairs's from originally?


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