Friday, April 8, 2011


It sure didn't look like it was going to hit 55 today.  
Barb put the sheets on the horses last night and I figured they would come off this morning, but it was pretty brisk.  Grained them and put the hay out in a pasture.  No sun, but drier there.  Did chores quickly and was back in the house by 9.

Once again, my little SONY camera was messed up.  Took it back to the store and they confirmed that the lens was shot.  Everything looked blurry.  I just had it repaired in January and the one year warranty is up in 4 days.  I am going to see if I can send it back in and proceeded to buy a new camera.  This time, a Canon PowerShot SD 1400IS...whatever all that means.

So today....a lot of test shots.  Starting now.

 Ooooooooooo......I think I'm going to like it.

Spent the afternoon gathering photographs of Brockport and Community Art so I could send them in to Hearst (publishing).  "Country Living" is doing an article on the Erie Canal and will do a feature on Brockport.  The contact person called me back and asked if I had any shots from my Art Walks On Water Project.  Who knows if it will amount to anything.  I'd love to have a photo or two published.

We had an early dinner and then I went out to feed my charges.

 They wondered if I could move a little faster....
Finally, the sun made an appearance.

In the house a little before 7, took a quick shower, grabbed my drum and Gary and I were off to A Different Path Gallery for an art opening/interactive drumming experience.
The place was jumpin'.

Loved the new show.

It was packed with people and beautiful flowers.

In the corner of the gallery, Jeff had all of his drums in a circle and every single one was being played.
The gallery owners viewed this as a good draw and the people really got into it!
 I have never had a better time drumming!  I'd say the majority of the people had never drummed in their lives.  They were quick studies and the seats were filled for two hours.  Playing the bass drum is so different from the djembe.  Can't wait to do it again tomorrow.
 One of the visitors has a gallery opening coming up and wants us to play there.  Sounds good to me.
 I'll bet Jeff got 4 gigs through the people who were participating.
 It is so infectious!
 Can you see Gary?  He participated for over an hour!
 By the end, we were manics....dancing, calling...what a blast.
 Talk about good for the soul....
We drummed until everyone else left...even got one of the owners going with a shaker.
By 9:15 the moon was looking good.  Better weather tomorrow.
Night all.


  1. It sounds like a day that started frustrating with camera ended well with the drumming. I've been waiting for your post today - gotta see the weather and the ponies or my day just isn't complete.

  2. That looked a thoroughly good evening, Lori. You're what a friend of mine calls 'social butterflies'.

  3. Drumming sounds like a fun way to get out your stress! :) I can understand how it can become somewhat addictive.

  4. You have an interesting life Lori. Loved the art and the orchids. I must say I have never drummed!

  5. Ooooh, I'm loving the new camera. Is it little enough for a person to keep in their pocket while they do barn chores? I have a tiny Sony, and it's handy but I haven't been that happy with it. It seems to have a problem focusing.

  6. Wow! What a post! So much to love--that's a doozy of a camera and great 'test' shots. And oh, such a great one to end with. I'm agog.


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