Monday, April 18, 2011


 You are my sunshine?????Ha!
 It was shining in the barn for at least 4 seconds.
 Cold! Miserable!
 and Gucci knew enough....
 to stay out of the cold.
 Sit!  Stay!

Went to Wegmans for a few things and came home to THIS!
 Very unproductive today.

Jen and the boys came for dinner.  A nice summer picnic!
Burgers, roasted potatoes, corn on the cob, baked beans and a salad.
 Comfort food....needed
 The Coop was showing me his loose tooth.
 After dinner I went out to do chores, while everyone else had a sundae.  Warmer than it was all day and no more snow.  (Still ugly out).
 The Morgans brought two plants to the party and left them for us.
 They add some color to the kitchen.
 Finn and Coop were into arm wrestling under the supervision of Grampa.

They left around 7:30...I'm trying to finish this so I can watch some dancing in a prone position.
Night all.


  1. Love the close-ups of boys' faces and arms/hands. Wish that snow/sleet/rain/gray would get OUT of there!

  2. Snow last night and now we're supposed to have 30s and heavy rain tomorrow - yuck! May spring come soon, for all of us.

  3. Such sweet pictures of the boys!
    Hope your weather improves soon.

  4. i can't believe you still have to suffer with awful weather...blahhhh. it is depressing! i sure hope the sun visits you soon! we are going to have rain for the next few days so thankfully i got a ride on blue and buttercup today! :)

  5. Wonderful close-up's of your family. Those boys are so sweet looking.

    Wow! What a fun non-stop weekend you've had. Sorry to have missed Friday night. Looked and sounded fantastic in your presentation.

  6. The weather sounds depressing for this time of the year. If it is any cosolation it is raining yet again here but it is not cold. About 75*F

  7. Wonderful series of photos, Lori.

    Sorry about your weather. Cold and rainy here too. Blech!

  8. Yes indeed this winter has seemed to drag on and on. I fear we will have no spring, just go straight to summer heat and bugs.

    love the pictures of your grandsons.

  9. The comfort food dinner looks yummy. Making me hungry!! --and thanks on the rhubarb front. Can't wait!!

  10. Miserable weather all around, but at least we only got rain and no snow.

    Loose teeth are coming out around here too.Must be the season.

    Hope you enjoyed your dancing.


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