Monday, April 18, 2011


I took these shots at the dress rehearsal and immediately posted them, when I realized it might not be a good idea to put them out before the 4 performances were finished.  All were sold out (by the way).  So I deleated the whole thing and am trying to do it again.  Here goes.  Don't forget to turn off my radio at the bottom of this blog so you can hear the music and drumming.

Clyde Morgan, the Artistic Director, welcomed us to the performance.
The set was simple and worked well with every number.
 When the curtain went up...the drummers exploded.
 The choreography was innovative all night long.

One piece was choreographed by Bill Evans.  Tap dancing to a djembe drum played by Marcia (who plays with us on Saturdays).  Unique...smooth.

(I am trying to give you a view of the talent here at SUNY Brockport, sorry that is not all in order).
The piece below was outstanding.

An outstanding solo.

The Master Drummer, Khalid Saleem, had an amazing relationship with the audience.
 He's like the Pied Piper.
 How lucky are we, to have him working with us every Saturday.

There was a hip hop piece.  The dancers were really into it.

 Two of our Saturday Drummers were part of the ensemble and did a great job.

 Then it was time for a samba. 
 As a viewer, I was totally impressed with the lines/compositions that were part of each piece.  I could have taken a shot per second.
 The drums and rhythm changed.
Each year, the program ends with a signature piece...all the dancers and drummers participated.
 Clyde recognized all....

 and it was over.  Another great show.
Wish you were here to experience this.....


  1. oh wow that looks interesting!


  2. Thanks so much for the highlights--what a lot of energy--feasts for the eyes and ears.


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